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Re: Re(2): [seul-edu] help to make Zope work

 This error has more to do with your network setup. With this error, apache won't work either unless you force it in httpd.conf.

when zope http server, or any http server for that matter including apache, it will try to bind to your real network cards, instead of, and your real cards is not properly setup.  You can force it to goto in different ways with differen http server. For zope, 
you can edit z2.py file,change IP_ADDRESS='' to IP_ADDRESS='', and you should be fine.  Or you can do <zope-dir>/start -a, or you can set up network properly, or .....,  


On Tue, 03 Apr 2001 12:11:58  
 Benoit St-Andre-CSA wrote:
>seul-edu@seul.org writes:
>>both php and zope of similar level of difficult or easy. zope has more
>>structures and php has more toolkits. It is really a matter of taste.  
>>By the way, what is the error when you try to start zope?  You have to
>>dump more detail if you are looking for help.
>Never wrote so much emails in one day... but that's useful !!!
>Here's the errors details.
>Somebody told me my hosts are not defined. This is not the case, the
>/etc/hosts includes localhost
>2001-04-02T17:47:11 PANIC(300) z2 Startup exception
>Traceback (innermost last):
>  File /usr/local/zope/2-3-1/z2.py, line 623, in ?
>  File /usr/local/zope/2-3-1/ZServer/HTTPServer.py, line 391, in __init__
>  File /usr/local/zope/2-3-1/ZServer/medusa/http_server.py, line 550, in
>error: host not found      
>Benoit St-Andri
>Conseiller pidagogique en technologies de l'information et de la
>Animateur,  RICIT des Affluents
>(450) 492-9400 poste 3502
>courriel: benoit.st-andre@fc.csaffluents.qc.ca

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