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Re: Developers tools?

>>>thi == thi <ttn@mingle.glug.org> wrote at Sun, 6 Dec 1998 19:34:48 -0400 :

>Brian writes:
> > Interest in this endeavor will probably start to wane if the goal
> > selection process is dragged out to the nth degree.
>unfortunately, your analysis is correct and post-mortem.  interest has
>waned already.  thus, the background chatter (where developers express
>their personal preferences).
>what is the goal selection process, btw?  is it open to modification?

I think and certainly hope that this is incorrect.  This mailing list is
barely a month old.  Are developers so impatient that they want to start
throwing code at a problem before it's even properly defined?  I doubt it.  I
 suspect they're waiting for the description that we talked about earlier to
be posted, so they can see what needs to be done and how to go about doing

What is the goal selection process?  We started talking about what sorts of
programs might be useful/desireable in an educational setting, and the
administrative software jumped out of a number of people's thoughts.
Additionally, courseware and edutainment programs were mentioned, as were
tutorial programs for Linux and computers in general.  Since the
administrative software seemed to grab the attention of a number of people it
 became the primary focus of discussion.  This doesn't mean that other
possibilities aren't of interest; this group should be wide enough for
multiple sub-projects.  If there's something you'd like to discuss and
assemble a group of us to work on, go for it.  I'm sure your comments won't
fall on deaf ears.

Doug Loss            An idealist is one who, on noticing that
dloss@csrlink.net    roses smell better than cabbage, concludes
(717) 326-3987       that they will also make better soup.
                        H. L. Mencken