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Re: Plethora of gradebooks, grade change audit.


These are two differnet types of authentication.  Pam
gives rights to underprivileged processes while
what we want is some way to restrict the rights
for a privliged user.

This can't be done effectivly.  At least i don't
think there is any real way to have even 99% 
security that way.

Bill, wants to audit "truth" which is a hard thing
to do with unix.  Unix only cares about which 
has more power, and the administrator always has
more power, thus might mike right.

--matt wimer

On Mon, Dec 28, 1998 at 02:27:13AM -0800, thi wrote:
> Matt Wimer writes:
>  > code for sending out a memo probably would hassles teachers
>  > and administrators more than what it would make up in true
>  > security.
> true.  why not use what we have?  see /usr/doc/pam-VERSION/txts/pam.txt
> (for me VERSION = 0.64).  i'm sure there are bindings for different
> languages.  if linux can use it, i don't see why not seul-edu programs.
> (PAM is a general framework for authentication -- "pluggable
> authentication modules".  security of the type discussed here is
> mostly accountability, which is a major part of authentication.)
> thi