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[seul-edu] seul-edu posting guidelines

This is a regular message that is automatically posted to the seul-edu
mailing list.  It contains guidelines and suggestions on how best to use

[This is from the info file new subscribers get.]

Welcome to the seul-edu mailing list.  This list is intended for the
discussion of using Linux for educational purposes.  These include using
Linux for student machines in school computer labs (primarily
kindergarten through grade 12), using Linux for faculty and staff use in
K12 schools, using Linux for network file, print, and application
servers on K12 school networks, and using Linux for educational purposes
on home computers.

Discussion is open to (but not limited to) what programs should be
found, ported, or developed for Linux to make it useable by teachers;
what programs are desired by home users for personal education of
themselves and their children; and what courseware is and should be
available for student use in schools.

We don't intend to create a new Linux distribution targeted at schools
(although we would support such a distro if one became available) but to
coordinate the discussion and development of educational things for
Linux.  To that end we hope to stay in close contact with all the
various Linux-in-education projects and discussion fora that have
recently begun to appear.

We invite you, our new subscriber, to send a brief introduction of
yourself to the list, so we can keep track of what resources we have
available and who our audience is.

If you wish to receive status reports and announcements of the SEUL
project (including the SEUL/edu project), you should subscribe to
seul-announce (send mail to majordomo@seul.org with no subject and a
body of "subscribe seul-announce"). It is a very low traffic mailing

The archives for this list can be found at

[The new subscriber info file ends here.]

We have several web pages besides our main one
<http://www.seul.org/edu/> that are interesting and germane to the topic
of Linux in education.  They are:

Existing Linux educational software

A list of SEUL/edu projects

A list of our weekly Linux in education reports

Links to other Linux in education sites:

Archives of our email discussions

A paper on Open Source Software project leadership

The Russian version of the above paper

A draft of a commercial port advocacy HOWTO

All messages to the seul-edu mailing list are copyrighted by their
originators and all rights are reserved unless specifically stated
otherwise.  All non-executable files stored on the SEUL/edu website are
copyrighted by their originators and are licensed for reuse under the
OpenContent Public License <http://www.opencontent.org/opl.shtml> unless
otherwise specified by their originators.

SEUL/edu is for the discussion and development of ways to further the
use of Linux in education.  The current focus of SEUL/edu is developing
or locating Linux software for administrative and teaching
purposes that is suitable for use in educational institutions.  Other
roles for SEUL/edu include collecting case studies on the current use of 
Linux in schools and creating an ISO image (downloadable CD-ROM file) 
containing all the scholastically useful software we can find.  Earlier 
roles for SEUL/edu which have been passed on to the Schoolforge 
Coalition <http://schoolforge.net> include (but aren't limited to) 
exchanging thoughts on how to make the best use of Linux in schools, 
connecting people hoping to use OSS software in schools with the 
developers of such software, connecting non-technical people who want to 
help foster Linux use in schools with the many non-technical tasks that 
would be helpful, providing a forum for questions about using Linux in 
education, discussing the use of Linux for education outside of school 
environments (educational programs for the home user).

The standard USENET rules for "netiquette" should be observed here--be
polite, try to keep your quoted material down to no more than half of
your message, be polite, keep your signatures down to 4 or 5 lines, be
polite, change your subject lines when a topic drifts substantially away
from its original focus, and be polite.

If a message is about a specific project, try to use the project name in
the subject.