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Re: This weekend

OK.  SEG's  on-line.   I  have  sent  an  introductory message.  The
initial number of participants is 39. 


NEW addresses to FISH-ECOLOGY from  Oct. '97 and on (please, print):
The server (a robot):                   <Majordomo@HELIOS.ULPGC.ES>;
The conference:                      <FISH-ECOLOGY@HELIOS.ULPGC.ES>;                           
The management:              <FISH-ECOLOGY-REQUEST@HELIOS.ULPGC.ES>.  
FE is strictly academic. Reach >2400 scientists in over 60 countries

Aldo-Pier Solari <SolariS@CICEI.ULPGC.ES>, Fish.Res.Gr./ULP
Home-page:  http://www.ulpgc.es/usuarios/solaris/index.html
PGPKey ID: 0xFDD1FD36   --  IWillNotFailThoseWithWhomIServe

SEUL-Leaders list, seul-leaders-request@seul.mit.edu