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Re: SEUL: ezppp sucks rocks

George Bonser writes:
> Why does everyone have to get so damned cute when it comes to PPP.  PPP
> setup under linus is SO SIMPLE if you approach it properly.

> ez-PPP is not the correct approach.  It calls chat as a separate process
> and tries to stick your parameters in as command-line options and it
> screws it up in the process.

> Here is how it should be done (or at least how I do it.)
> ...
> ...

That's the right approach.

The pppd-2.3 package in unstable creates the directories /etc/ppp/peers and
/etc/chatscripts.  My script pppconfig creates the files
/etc/ppp/peers/<provider> and /etc/chatscripts/<provider>, with the default
for <provider> being 'provider'.  You can then type:

pppd call <provider>

and it connects and negotiates.  The pppd package also includes the script
'pon', which is just '/usr/sbin/pppd call provider'.   Thus, after running
pppconfig, you can connect by just typing 'pon'.  I hope to get pon changed
to take the provider name as an optional argument.
John Hasler
john@dhh.gt.org (John Hasler)
Dancing Horse Hill
Elmwood, WI