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[tor-bugs] #4663 [Tor Browser]: Tor Browser Bundle Linux - Vidalia - Proxy Settings Getting By Passed

#4663: Tor Browser Bundle Linux - Vidalia - Proxy Settings Getting By Passed
 Reporter:  DasFox       |          Owner:  mikeperry
     Type:  defect       |         Status:  new      
 Priority:  critical     |      Milestone:           
Component:  Tor Browser  |        Version:           
 Keywords:  Proxy        |         Parent:           
   Points:               |   Actualpoints:           
 I'm using the latest Tor browser bundle for Linux 2.2.34-3 and I've
 noticed in Vidalia - Settings - Network, you check mark it, 'I use a proxy
 to access the internet', and place in your address, port and type, then
 I've had Tor by pass the proxy and get online, at times when there are
 proxy problems and they won't work to connect through them...

 How do I know this happened? Because the message log told me the proxy
 wasn't able to be connected to, yet Tor still went online, by passing this
 and I have screen shots below to prove this...

 To me the point of using the proxy is that you want or need this and Tor
 should not be able to just circumnavigate this and get online. If there is
 a problem with the proxy then Tor should be stopping and not getting
 online, also this should be designed to give you a popup message or some
 message/indication in Vidalia.

 Also in the Message Log - Advanced, there is no indication, no messages
 about this connection occurring through the proxy when it's working
 correctly, it just connects with no indications about any proxy
 connectivity going on.

 The message log is only showing me information when there's a problem, not
 when things are working correct and a log should be showing all activity
 and it's not, only when there's a problem. To me this makes me wonder,
 even if it seems to be working and I see no messages in the log, how do I
 really know without any indication? This is not good, the log is suppose
 to show us everything going on...

 Here are two screen shots below...

 This screen shot shows the connection refused yet it bootstraps and by
 passes the proxy settings, this should not be happening and getting
 online, which you see it does from the screen shot below;


 Now in this screen shot below, it keeps putting information in the log
 saying it's refused as long as we are connected to Tor, like every few
 minutes you'll see messages like this fill up in the log, but we still are
 able to stay online;


 I hope the Tor developers can get this fixed soon, this is a critical bug,
 by passing proxy settings and still getting online...

 These are the things that need to be done;

 1.If the end-user has a proxy problem and can't connect to it, Vidalia
 gives you a warning and Tor is stopped and doesn't go online.

 2. The log should show when the proxy is working correctly, you see this
 connectivity occurring on all levels as a log should be showing you;
 'Trying to make a connection' 'connection established', connection
 disconnected, and so on, besides seeing problems with a connection when
 those occur...


Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/4663>
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