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Re: [tor-bugs] #2338 [Torbutton]: Torbutton doesn't set prefs correctly when started in TBB (was: Geolocation is enabled in Tor Browser Bundles)

#2338: Torbutton doesn't set prefs correctly when started in TBB
 Reporter:  chuckfrasher  |       Owner:  mikeperry   
     Type:  defect        |      Status:  needs_review
 Priority:  blocker       |   Milestone:              
Component:  Torbutton     |     Version:              
 Keywords:                |      Parent:              

Comment(by arma):

 Changing trac entry title so Mike will notice it better (I hope).

 In the mean time, as I understand it, we can either apply rransom's patch
 (which will break the loading of the frontpage the first time you run
 TBB), or we can run TBB twice and then copy the resulting prefs.js into
 the TBB we ship. Seems like the latter approach is slightly better because
 it allows the frontpage to still load. But both of them are pretty crappy
 stopgaps compared to actually fixing Torbutton.

 (Any way we look at it, trying to modify the prefs file by hand is a bad
 idea -- looks like helix tried to fix just the prefs.js entries were
 reported, but rransom has already pointed out one that didn't get fixed,
 and who knows what else there is.)

 I guess the challenge Mike is going to have is that he needs to call the
 'change firefox's prefs' part of the code without calling the 'cancel
 javascript timers' part of the code, when Torbutton starts up in enabled
 mode. I'm not clear on how modular Torbutton is, but if it isn't this
 modular, that's also something to be fixed.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/2338#comment:13>
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