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Re: [tor-bugs] #30857 [Internal Services/Services Admin Team]: migrate (some projects? everything?) from trac to gitlab

#30857: migrate (some projects? everything?) from trac to gitlab
 Reporter:  anarcat                              |          Owner:  (none)
     Type:  project                              |         Status:  new
 Priority:  Medium                               |      Milestone:
Component:  Internal Services/Services Admin     |        Version:
  Team                                           |
 Severity:  Normal                               |     Resolution:
 Keywords:  tickets-migration                    |  Actual Points:
Parent ID:  #29400                               |         Points:
 Reviewer:                                       |        Sponsor:

Comment (by anarcat):

 == IRC bot issues discussions

 To expand on what is discussed in the document about IRC.... There are two
 things we do with Trac on IRC, as far as I know:

  * "#1234" gets turned into a message by zwiebelbot showing the ticket
 title, status and URL, this happens in multiple channels
  * another bot ("nsa") announces new commits and Trac ticket changes in


 09:47:20 <anarcat> test: #1234
 09:47:21 -zwiebelbot:#tpo-admin- tor#1234: Exception in Firebug console in
 FF3.6 Sessionstore - [closed] - https://bugs.torproject.org/1234
 09:40:53 <+nsa> or: [Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki] #30857 was updated:  #30857:
 migrate (some projects? everything?) from trac to gitlab -
 09:40:53 <+nsa> or: Comment (by anarcat):
 09:40:53 <+nsa> or:  I added comments in the GitLab migration plan. The
 gist of my
 09:40:53 <+nsa> or:  modifications is as follows:[...]
 09:41:43 <+nsa> or: [styleguide/master] b75855b 2019-09-12 13:41:26 hiro
 <hiro@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>: Add .github/FUNDING.yml

 The above is me pinging the bot for information about ticket #1234, and
 the NSA bot announcing, without being prompted, a modification to ticket
 #30857 and a commit from hiro in the styleguide project.

 There are multiple projects to do the latter: I wrote one myself based on
 the `irker` irc bot (which doesn't work very well):


 Another implementation is the "KGB" bot which can interpret GitLab
 webhooks on its own:


 This is what's used on salsa: https://salsa.debian.org/kgb-

 Then there are two more similar bots:


 And finally, GitLab itself has "native" "integration" with irker, provided
 you set it up somewhere.

 All of those (except the native integration) generally work as "webhooks"
 in that they "ping" (make an HTTP request) to a web server endpoint, which
 in turns talks to IRC.

 We'd need to do this to replace the "nsa" service. A friend implemented
 this with the KGB bot by setting up a webhook in GitLab that points to his
 own KGB install. He setup a reverse proxy in Apache with a configuration
 that looks like this:

 ProxyPassReverse /kgb/
 <Location /kgb/>
    Require expr %{HTTP:X-Gitlab-Token} == 'GITLAB TOKEN HERE'

 Finally, note that group-level webhooks are a paid feature, which means
 that we'd need to hook each project to those bots *individually* which is
 pretty annoying. It should probably be part of the migration to facilitate
 our lives. Alternatively, I think the debian.org folks wrote commandline
 shortcuts to configure a project like this automatically.

 For the zwiebelbot functionality, something new would need to be
 implemented. We should check with the Debian folks if that already exists,
 and if not, it will need to be done ourselves.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/30857#comment:50>
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