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[tor-commits] [torbrowser/master] add the firefox4 version of the non-blocking socks patch

commit 7912dbe21196f4731f787f12c943dff12324cff6
Author: Erinn Clark <erinn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date:   Sun Mar 27 18:44:08 2011 +0200

    add the firefox4 version of the non-blocking socks patch
 .../non-blocking-socks-firefox-4.0.patch           | 1637 ++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 1637 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/current-patches/non-blocking-socks-firefox-4.0.patch b/src/current-patches/non-blocking-socks-firefox-4.0.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf5aeae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/current-patches/non-blocking-socks-firefox-4.0.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,1637 @@
+--- a/netwerk/base/src/nsSocketTransport2.cpp	
++++ a/netwerk/base/src/nsSocketTransport2.cpp	
+@@ -1222,16 +1222,26 @@ nsSocketTransport::InitiateSocket()
+                 // connection... wouldn't we need to call ProxyStartSSL after a call
+                 // to PR_ConnectContinue indicates that we are connected?
+                 //
+                 // XXX this appears to be what the old socket transport did.  why
+                 // isn't this broken?
+             }
+         }
+         //
++        // A SOCKS request was rejected; get the actual error code from
++        // the OS error
++        //
++        else if (PR_UNKNOWN_ERROR == code &&
++                 mProxyTransparent &&
++                 !mProxyHost.IsEmpty()) {
++            code = PR_GetOSError();
++            rv = ErrorAccordingToNSPR(code);
++        }
++        //
+         // The connection was refused...
+         //
+         else {
+             rv = ErrorAccordingToNSPR(code);
+             if ((rv == NS_ERROR_CONNECTION_REFUSED) && !mProxyHost.IsEmpty())
+         }
+     }
+@@ -1544,17 +1554,26 @@ nsSocketTransport::OnSocketReady(PRFileD
+             //
+             // If the connect is still not ready, then continue polling...
+             //
+             if ((PR_WOULD_BLOCK_ERROR == code) || (PR_IN_PROGRESS_ERROR == code)) {
+                 // Set up the select flags for connect...
+                 mPollFlags = (PR_POLL_EXCEPT | PR_POLL_WRITE);
+                 // Update poll timeout in case it was changed
+                 mPollTimeout = mTimeouts[TIMEOUT_CONNECT];
+-            } 
++            }
++            //
++            // The SOCKS proxy rejected our request. Find out why.
++            //
++            else if (PR_UNKNOWN_ERROR == code &&
++                     mProxyTransparent &&
++                     !mProxyHost.IsEmpty()) {
++                code = PR_GetOSError();
++                mCondition = ErrorAccordingToNSPR(code);
++            }
+             else {
+                 //
+                 // else, the connection failed...
+                 //
+                 mCondition = ErrorAccordingToNSPR(code);
+                 if ((mCondition == NS_ERROR_CONNECTION_REFUSED) && !mProxyHost.IsEmpty())
+                     mCondition = NS_ERROR_PROXY_CONNECTION_REFUSED;
+                 SOCKET_LOG(("  connection failed! [reason=%x]\n", mCondition));
+--- a/netwerk/socket/nsSOCKSIOLayer.cpp	
++++ a/netwerk/socket/nsSOCKSIOLayer.cpp	
+@@ -20,16 +20,17 @@ 
+  * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1998
+  * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
+  *
+  * Contributor(s):
+  *   Justin Bradford <jab@xxxxxxxxx>
+  *   Bradley Baetz <bbaetz@xxxxxxx>
+  *   Darin Fisher <darin@xxxxxxxx>
+  *   Malcolm Smith <malsmith@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
++ *   Christopher Davis <chrisd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
+  *
+  * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
+  * either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
+  * the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
+  * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
+  * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
+  * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
+  * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
+@@ -63,51 +64,115 @@ static PRLogModuleInfo *gSOCKSLog;
+ #else
+ #define LOGDEBUG(args)
+ #define LOGERROR(args)
+ #endif
+ class nsSOCKSSocketInfo : public nsISOCKSSocketInfo
+ {
++    enum State {
++        SOCKS_INITIAL,
++        SOCKS_FAILED
++    };
++    // A buffer of 262 bytes should be enough for any request and response
++    // in case of SOCKS4 as well as SOCKS5
++    static const PRUint32 BUFFER_SIZE = 262;
++    static const PRUint32 MAX_HOSTNAME_LEN = 255;
+ public:
+     nsSOCKSSocketInfo();
+-    virtual ~nsSOCKSSocketInfo() {}
++    virtual ~nsSOCKSSocketInfo() { HandshakeFinished(); }
+     void Init(PRInt32 version,
+               const char *proxyHost,
+               PRInt32 proxyPort,
+               const char *destinationHost,
+               PRUint32 flags);
+-    const nsCString &DestinationHost() { return mDestinationHost; }
+-    const nsCString &ProxyHost()       { return mProxyHost; }
+-    PRInt32          ProxyPort()       { return mProxyPort; }
+-    PRInt32          Version()         { return mVersion; }
+-    PRUint32         Flags()           { return mFlags; }
++    void SetConnectTimeout(PRIntervalTime to);
++    PRStatus DoHandshake(PRFileDesc *fd, PRInt16 oflags = -1);
++    PRInt16 GetPollFlags() const;
++    bool IsConnected() const { return mState == SOCKS_CONNECTED; }
+ private:
++    void HandshakeFinished(PRErrorCode err = 0);
++    PRStatus ConnectToProxy(PRFileDesc *fd);
++    PRStatus ContinueConnectingToProxy(PRFileDesc *fd, PRInt16 oflags);
++    PRStatus WriteV4ConnectRequest();
++    PRStatus ReadV4ConnectResponse();
++    PRStatus WriteV5AuthRequest();
++    PRStatus ReadV5AuthResponse();
++    PRStatus WriteV5ConnectRequest();
++    PRStatus ReadV5AddrTypeAndLength(PRUint8 *type, PRUint32 *len);
++    PRStatus ReadV5ConnectResponseTop();
++    PRStatus ReadV5ConnectResponseBottom();
++    void WriteUint8(PRUint8 d);
++    void WriteUint16(PRUint16 d);
++    void WriteUint32(PRUint32 d);
++    void WriteNetAddr(const PRNetAddr *addr);
++    void WriteNetPort(const PRNetAddr *addr);
++    void WriteString(const nsACString &str);
++    PRUint8 ReadUint8();
++    PRUint16 ReadUint16();
++    PRUint32 ReadUint32();
++    void ReadNetAddr(PRNetAddr *addr, PRUint16 fam);
++    void ReadNetPort(PRNetAddr *addr);
++    void WantRead(PRUint32 sz);
++    PRStatus ReadFromSocket(PRFileDesc *fd);
++    PRStatus WriteToSocket(PRFileDesc *fd);
++    State     mState;
++    PRUint8 * mData;
++    PRUint8 * mDataIoPtr;
++    PRUint32  mDataLength;
++    PRUint32  mReadOffset;
++    PRUint32  mAmountToRead;
++    nsCOMPtr<nsIDNSRecord> mDnsRec;
+     nsCString mDestinationHost;
+     nsCString mProxyHost;
+     PRInt32   mProxyPort;
+     PRInt32   mVersion;   // SOCKS version 4 or 5
+     PRUint32  mFlags;
+     PRNetAddr mInternalProxyAddr;
+     PRNetAddr mExternalProxyAddr;
+     PRNetAddr mDestinationAddr;
++    PRIntervalTime mTimeout;
+ };
+ nsSOCKSSocketInfo::nsSOCKSSocketInfo()
+-    : mProxyPort(-1)
++    : mState(SOCKS_INITIAL)
++    , mDataIoPtr(nsnull)
++    , mDataLength(0)
++    , mReadOffset(0)
++    , mAmountToRead(0)
++    , mProxyPort(-1)
+     , mVersion(-1)
+     , mFlags(0)
++    , mTimeout(PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT)
+ {
++    mData = new PRUint8[BUFFER_SIZE];
+     PR_InitializeNetAddr(PR_IpAddrAny, 0, &mInternalProxyAddr);
+     PR_InitializeNetAddr(PR_IpAddrAny, 0, &mExternalProxyAddr);
+     PR_InitializeNetAddr(PR_IpAddrAny, 0, &mDestinationAddr);
+ }
+ void
+ nsSOCKSSocketInfo::Init(PRInt32 version, const char *proxyHost, PRInt32 proxyPort, const char *host, PRUint32 flags)
+ {
+@@ -157,647 +222,817 @@ nsSOCKSSocketInfo::GetInternalProxyAddr(
+ nsSOCKSSocketInfo::SetInternalProxyAddr(PRNetAddr *aInternalProxyAddr)
+ {
+     memcpy(&mInternalProxyAddr, aInternalProxyAddr, sizeof(PRNetAddr));
+     return NS_OK;
+ }
+-static PRInt32
+-pr_RecvAll(PRFileDesc *fd, unsigned char *buf, PRInt32 amount, PRIntn flags, 
+-           PRIntervalTime *timeout)
++// There needs to be a means of distinguishing between connection errors
++// that the SOCKS server reports when it rejects a connection request, and
++// connection errors that happen while attempting to connect to the SOCKS
++// server. Otherwise, Firefox will report incorrectly that the proxy server
++// is refusing connections when a SOCKS request is rejected by the proxy.
++// When a SOCKS handshake failure occurs, the PR error is set to
++// PR_UNKNOWN_ERROR, and the real error code is returned via the OS error.
++nsSOCKSSocketInfo::HandshakeFinished(PRErrorCode err)
+ {
+-    PRInt32 bytesRead = 0;
+-    PRInt32 offset = 0;
++    if (err == 0) {
++        mState = SOCKS_CONNECTED;
++    } else {
++        mState = SOCKS_FAILED;
++        PR_SetError(PR_UNKNOWN_ERROR, err);
++    }
+-    while (offset < amount) {
+-        PRIntervalTime start_time = PR_IntervalNow();
+-        bytesRead = PR_Recv(fd, buf + offset, amount - offset, flags, *timeout);
+-        PRIntervalTime elapsed = PR_IntervalNow() - start_time;
+-        if (elapsed > *timeout) {
+-            *timeout = 0;
+-        } else {
+-            *timeout -= elapsed;
+-        }
+-        if (bytesRead > 0) {
+-            offset += bytesRead;
+-        } else if (bytesRead == 0 || offset != 0) {
+-            return offset;
+-        } else {
+-            return bytesRead;
+-        }
+-        if (*timeout == 0) {
+-            LOGERROR(("PR_Recv() timed out. amount = %d. offset = %d.",
+-                     amount, offset));
+-            return offset;
+-        }
+-    }
+-    return offset;
++    // We don't need the buffer any longer, so free it.
++    delete [] mData;
++    mData = nsnull;
++    mDataIoPtr = nsnull;
++    mDataLength = 0;
++    mReadOffset = 0;
++    mAmountToRead = 0;
+ }
+-static PRInt32
+-pr_Send(PRFileDesc *fd, const void *buf, PRInt32 amount, PRIntn flags,
+-        PRIntervalTime *timeout)
++nsSOCKSSocketInfo::ConnectToProxy(PRFileDesc *fd)
+ {
+-    PRIntervalTime start_time = PR_IntervalNow();
+-    PRInt32 retval = PR_Send(fd, buf, amount, flags, *timeout);
+-    PRIntervalTime elapsed = PR_IntervalNow() - start_time;
++    PRStatus status;
++    nsresult rv;
+-    if (elapsed > *timeout) {
+-        *timeout = 0;
+-        LOGERROR(("PR_Send() timed out. amount = %d. retval = %d.",
+-                 amount, retval));
+-        return retval;
+-    } else {
+-        *timeout -= elapsed;
+-    }
++                      "Must be in initial state to make connection!");
+-    if (retval <= 0) {
+-        LOGERROR(("PR_Send() failed. amount = %d. retval = %d.",
+-                 amount, retval));
+-    }
++    // If we haven't performed the DNS lookup, do that now.
++    if (!mDnsRec) {
++        nsCOMPtr<nsIDNSService> dns = do_GetService(NS_DNSSERVICE_CONTRACTID);
++        if (!dns)
++            return PR_FAILURE;
+-    return retval;
+-// Negotiate a SOCKS 5 connection. Assumes the TCP connection to the socks 
+-// server port has been established.
+-static nsresult
+-ConnectSOCKS5(PRFileDesc *fd, const PRNetAddr *addr, PRNetAddr *extAddr, PRIntervalTime timeout)
+-    int request_len = 0;
+-    int response_len = 0;
+-    int desired_len = 0;
+-    unsigned char request[22];
+-    unsigned char response[262];
+-    request[0] = 0x05; // SOCKS version 5
+-    request[1] = 0x01; // number of auth procotols we recognize
+-    // auth protocols
+-    request[2] = 0x00; // no authentication required
+-    // compliant implementations MUST implement GSSAPI
+-    // and SHOULD implement username/password and MAY
+-    // implement CHAP
+-    // TODO: we don't implement these
+-    //request[3] = 0x01; // GSSAPI
+-    //request[4] = 0x02; // username/password
+-    //request[5] = 0x03; // CHAP
+-    request_len = 2 + request[1];
+-    int write_len = pr_Send(fd, request, request_len, 0, &timeout);
+-    if (write_len != request_len) {
+-        return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
+-    }
+-    // get the server's response. 
+-    desired_len = 2;
+-    response_len = pr_RecvAll(fd, response, desired_len, 0, &timeout);
+-    if (response_len < desired_len) {
+-        LOGERROR(("pr_RecvAll() failed. response_len = %d.", response_len));
+-        return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
+-    }
+-    if (response[0] != 0x05) {
+-        // it's a either not SOCKS or not our version
+-        LOGERROR(("Not a SOCKS 5 reply. Expected: 5; received: %x", response[0]));
+-        return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
+-    }
+-    switch (response[1]) {
+-        case 0x00:
+-            // no auth
+-            break;
+-        case 0x01:
+-            // GSSAPI
+-            // TODO: implement
+-            LOGERROR(("Server want to use GSSAPI to authenticate, but we don't support it."));
+-            return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
+-        case 0x02:
+-            // username/password
+-            // TODO: implement
+-            LOGERROR(("Server want to use username/password to authenticate, but we don't support it."));
+-            return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
+-        case 0x03:
+-            // CHAP
+-            // TODO: implement?
+-            LOGERROR(("Server want to use CHAP to authenticate, but we don't support it."));
+-            return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
+-        default:
+-            // unrecognized auth method
+-            LOGERROR(("Uncrecognized authentication method received: %x", response[1]));
+-            return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
+-    }
+-    // we are now authenticated, so lets tell
+-    // the server where to connect to
+-    request_len = 0;
+-    request[0] = 0x05; // SOCKS version 5
+-    request[1] = 0x01; // CONNECT command
+-    request[2] = 0x00; // obligatory reserved field (perfect for MS tampering!)
+-    // get destination port
+-    PRInt32 destPort = PR_ntohs(PR_NetAddrInetPort(addr));
+-    nsSOCKSSocketInfo * info = (nsSOCKSSocketInfo*) fd->secret;
+-    if (info->Flags() & nsISocketProvider::PROXY_RESOLVES_HOST) {
+-        LOGDEBUG(("using server to resolve hostnames rather than resolving it first\n"));
+-        // if the PROXY_RESOLVES_HOST flag is set, we assume
+-        // that the transport wants us to pass the SOCKS server the 
+-        // hostname and port and let it do the name resolution.
+-        // the real destination hostname and port was stored
+-        // in our info object earlier when this layer was created.
+-        const nsCString& destHost = info->DestinationHost();
+-        LOGDEBUG(("host:port -> %s:%li", destHost.get(), destPort));
+-        request[3] = 0x03; // encoding of destination address (3 == hostname)
+-        int host_len = destHost.Length();
+-        if (host_len > 255) {
+-            // SOCKS5 transmits the length of the hostname in a single char.
+-            // This gives us an absolute limit of 255 chars in a hostname, and
+-            // there's nothing we can do to extend it.  I don't think many
+-            // hostnames will ever be bigger than this, so hopefully it's an
+-            // uneventful abort condition.
+-            LOGERROR (("Hostname too big for SOCKS5."));
+-            return NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG;
+-        }
+-        request[4] = (char) host_len;
+-        request_len = 5;
+-        // Send the initial header first...
+-        write_len = pr_Send(fd, request, request_len, 0, &timeout);
+-        if (write_len != request_len) {
+-            // bad write
+-            return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
+-        }
+-        // Now send the hostname...
+-        write_len = pr_Send(fd, destHost.get(), host_len, 0, &timeout);
+-        if (write_len != host_len) {
+-            // bad write
+-            return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
+-        }
+-        // There's no data left because we just sent it.
+-        request_len = 0;
+-    } else if (PR_NetAddrFamily(addr) == PR_AF_INET) {
+-        request[3] = 0x01; // encoding of destination address (1 == IPv4)
+-        request_len = 8;   // 4 for address, 4 SOCKS headers
+-        char * ip = (char*)(&addr->inet.ip);
+-        request[4] = *ip++;
+-        request[5] = *ip++;
+-        request[6] = *ip++;
+-        request[7] = *ip++;
+-    } else if (PR_NetAddrFamily(addr) == PR_AF_INET6) {
+-        request[3] = 0x04; // encoding of destination address (4 == IPv6)
+-        request_len = 20;  // 16 for address, 4 SOCKS headers
+-        char * ip = (char*)(&addr->ipv6.ip.pr_s6_addr);
+-        request[4] = *ip++; request[5] = *ip++; 
+-        request[6] = *ip++; request[7] = *ip++;
+-        request[8] = *ip++; request[9] = *ip++; 
+-        request[10] = *ip++; request[11] = *ip++;
+-        request[12] = *ip++; request[13] = *ip++; 
+-        request[14] = *ip++; request[15] = *ip++;
+-        request[16] = *ip++; request[17] = *ip++; 
+-        request[18] = *ip++; request[19] = *ip++;
+-        // we're going to test to see if this address can
+-        // be mapped back into IPv4 without loss. if so,
+-        // we'll use IPv4 instead, as reliable SOCKS server 
+-        // support for IPv6 is probably questionable.
+-        if (PR_IsNetAddrType(addr, PR_IpAddrV4Mapped)) {
+-            request[3] = 0x01; // ipv4 encoding
+-            request[4] = request[16];
+-            request[5] = request[17];
+-            request[6] = request[18];
+-            request[7] = request[19];
+-            request_len -= 12;
+-        }
+-    } else {
+-        // Unknown address type
+-        LOGERROR(("Don't know what kind of IP address this is."));
+-        return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
+-    }
+-    // add the destination port to the request
+-    request[request_len] = (unsigned char)(destPort >> 8);
+-    request[request_len+1] = (unsigned char)destPort;
+-    request_len += 2;
+-    write_len = pr_Send(fd, request, request_len, 0, &timeout);
+-    if (write_len != request_len) {
+-        // bad write
+-        return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
+-    }
+-    desired_len = 5;
+-    response_len = pr_RecvAll(fd, response, desired_len, 0, &timeout);
+-    if (response_len < desired_len) { // bad read
+-        LOGERROR(("pr_RecvAll() failed getting connect command reply. response_len = %d.", response_len));
+-        return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
+-    }
+-    if (response[0] != 0x05) {
+-        // bad response
+-        LOGERROR(("Not a SOCKS 5 reply. Expected: 5; received: %x", response[0]));
+-        return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
+-    }
+-    switch(response[1]) {
+-        case 0x00:  break;      // success
+-        case 0x01:  LOGERROR(("SOCKS 5 server rejected connect request: 01, General SOCKS server failure."));
+-                    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
+-        case 0x02:  LOGERROR(("SOCKS 5 server rejected connect request: 02, Connection not allowed by ruleset."));
+-                    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
+-        case 0x03:  LOGERROR(("SOCKS 5 server rejected connect request: 03, Network unreachable."));
+-                    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
+-        case 0x04:  LOGERROR(("SOCKS 5 server rejected connect request: 04, Host unreachable."));
+-                    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
+-        case 0x05:  LOGERROR(("SOCKS 5 server rejected connect request: 05, Connection refused."));
+-                    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
+-        case 0x06:  LOGERROR(("SOCKS 5 server rejected connect request: 06, TTL expired."));
+-                    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
+-        case 0x07:  LOGERROR(("SOCKS 5 server rejected connect request: 07, Command not supported."));
+-                    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
+-        case 0x08:  LOGERROR(("SOCKS 5 server rejected connect request: 08, Address type not supported."));
+-                    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
+-        default:    LOGERROR(("SOCKS 5 server rejected connect request: %x.", response[1]));
+-                    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
+-    }
+-    switch (response[3]) {
+-        case 0x01: // IPv4
+-	    desired_len = 4 + 2 - 1;
+-            break;
+-        case 0x03: // FQDN 
+-	    desired_len = response[4] + 2;
+-            break;
+-        case 0x04: // IPv6
+-	    desired_len = 16 + 2 - 1;
+-            break;
+-        default: // unknown format
+-            return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
+-            break;
+-    }
+-    response_len = pr_RecvAll(fd, response + 5, desired_len, 0, &timeout);
+-    if (response_len < desired_len) { // bad read
+-        LOGERROR(("pr_RecvAll() failed getting connect command reply. response_len = %d.", response_len));
+-        return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
+-    }
+-    response_len += 5;
+-    // get external bound address (this is what 
+-    // the outside world sees as "us")
+-    char *ip = nsnull;
+-    PRUint16 extPort = 0;
+-    switch (response[3]) {
+-        case 0x01: // IPv4
+-            extPort = (response[8] << 8) | response[9];
+-            PR_SetNetAddr(PR_IpAddrAny, PR_AF_INET, extPort, extAddr);
+-            ip = (char*)(&extAddr->inet.ip);
+-            *ip++ = response[4];
+-            *ip++ = response[5];
+-            *ip++ = response[6];
+-            *ip++ = response[7];
+-            break;
+-        case 0x04: // IPv6
+-            extPort = (response[20] << 8) | response[21];
+-            PR_SetNetAddr(PR_IpAddrAny, PR_AF_INET6, extPort, extAddr);
+-            ip = (char*)(&extAddr->ipv6.ip.pr_s6_addr);
+-            *ip++ = response[4]; *ip++ = response[5]; 
+-            *ip++ = response[6]; *ip++ = response[7];
+-            *ip++ = response[8]; *ip++ = response[9]; 
+-            *ip++ = response[10]; *ip++ = response[11];
+-            *ip++ = response[12]; *ip++ = response[13]; 
+-            *ip++ = response[14]; *ip++ = response[15];
+-            *ip++ = response[16]; *ip++ = response[17]; 
+-            *ip++ = response[18]; *ip++ = response[19];
+-            break;
+-        case 0x03: // FQDN 
+-            // if we get here, we don't know our external address.
+-            // however, as that's possibly not critical to the user,
+-            // we let it slide.
+-            extPort = (response[response_len - 2] << 8) | 
+-                       response[response_len - 1];
+-            PR_InitializeNetAddr(PR_IpAddrNull, extPort, extAddr);
+-            break;
+-    }
+-    return NS_OK;
+-// Negotiate a SOCKS 4 connection. Assumes the TCP connection to the socks 
+-// server port has been established.
+-static nsresult
+-ConnectSOCKS4(PRFileDesc *fd, const PRNetAddr *addr, PRIntervalTime timeout)
+-    int request_len = 0;
+-    int write_len;
+-    int response_len = 0;
+-    int desired_len = 0;
+-    char *ip = nsnull;
+-    unsigned char request[12];
+-    unsigned char response[10];
+-    request[0] = 0x04; // SOCKS version 4
+-    request[1] = 0x01; // CD command code -- 1 for connect
+-    // destination port
+-    PRInt32 destPort = PR_ntohs(PR_NetAddrInetPort(addr));
+-    // store the port
+-    request[2] = (unsigned char)(destPort >> 8);
+-    request[3] = (unsigned char)destPort;
+-    // username
+-    request[8] = 'M';
+-    request[9] = 'O';
+-    request[10] = 'Z';
+-    request[11] = 0x00;
+-    request_len = 12;
+-    nsSOCKSSocketInfo * info = (nsSOCKSSocketInfo*) fd->secret;
+-    if (info->Flags() & nsISocketProvider::PROXY_RESOLVES_HOST) {
+-        LOGDEBUG(("using server to resolve hostnames rather than resolving it first\n"));
+-        // if the PROXY_RESOLVES_HOST flag is set, we assume that the
+-        // transport wants us to pass the SOCKS server the hostname
+-        // and port and let it do the name resolution.
+-        // an extension to SOCKS 4, called 4a, specifies a way
+-        // to do this, so we'll try that and hope the
+-        // server supports it.
+-        // the real destination hostname and port was stored
+-        // in our info object earlier when this layer was created.
+-        const nsCString& destHost = info->DestinationHost();
+-        LOGDEBUG(("host:port -> %s:%li\n", destHost.get(), destPort));
+-        // the IP portion of the query is set to this special address.
+-        request[4] = 0;
+-        request[5] = 0;
+-        request[6] = 0;
+-        request[7] = 1;
+-        write_len = pr_Send(fd, request, request_len, 0, &timeout);
+-        if (write_len != request_len) {
+-            return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
+-        }
+-        // Remember the NULL.
+-        int host_len = destHost.Length() + 1;
+-        write_len = pr_Send(fd, destHost.get(), host_len, 0, &timeout);
+-        if (write_len != host_len) {
+-            return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
+-        }
+-        // No data to send, just sent it.
+-        request_len = 0;
+-    } else if (PR_NetAddrFamily(addr) == PR_AF_INET) { // IPv4
+-        // store the ip
+-        ip = (char*)(&addr->inet.ip);
+-        request[4] = *ip++;
+-        request[5] = *ip++;
+-        request[6] = *ip++;
+-        request[7] = *ip++;
+-    } else if (PR_NetAddrFamily(addr) == PR_AF_INET6) { // IPv6
+-        // IPv4 address encoded in an IPv6 address
+-        if (PR_IsNetAddrType(addr, PR_IpAddrV4Mapped)) {
+-            // store the ip
+-            ip = (char*)(&addr->ipv6.ip.pr_s6_addr[12]);
+-            request[4] = *ip++;
+-            request[5] = *ip++;
+-            request[6] = *ip++;
+-            request[7] = *ip++;
+-        } else {
+-            LOGERROR(("IPv6 is not supported in SOCKS 4."));
+-            return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;	// SOCKS 4 can't do IPv6
+-        }
+-    } else {
+-        LOGERROR(("Don't know what kind of IP address this is."));
+-        return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;		// don't recognize this type
+-    }
+-    if (request_len > 0) {
+-        write_len = pr_Send(fd, request, request_len, 0, &timeout);
+-        if (write_len != request_len) {
+-            return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
++        rv = dns->Resolve(mProxyHost, 0, getter_AddRefs(mDnsRec));
++        if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
++            LOGERROR(("socks: DNS lookup for SOCKS proxy %s failed",
++                     mProxyHost.get()));
++            return PR_FAILURE;
+         }
+     }
+-    // get the server's response
+-    desired_len = 8;	// size of the response
+-    response_len = pr_RecvAll(fd, response, desired_len, 0, &timeout);
+-    if (response_len < desired_len) {
+-        LOGERROR(("pr_RecvAll() failed. response_len = %d.", response_len));
+-        return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
++    do {
++        rv = mDnsRec->GetNextAddr(mProxyPort, &mInternalProxyAddr);
++        // No more addresses to try? If so, we'll need to bail
++        if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
++            LOGERROR(("socks: unable to connect to SOCKS proxy, %s",
++                     mProxyHost.get()));
++            return PR_FAILURE;
++        }
++#if defined(PR_LOGGING)
++        char buf[64];
++        PR_NetAddrToString(&mInternalProxyAddr, buf, sizeof(buf));
++        LOGDEBUG(("socks: trying proxy server, %s:%hu",
++                 buf, PR_ntohs(PR_NetAddrInetPort(&mInternalProxyAddr))));
++        status = fd->lower->methods->connect(fd->lower,
++                        &mInternalProxyAddr, mTimeout);
++        if (status != PR_SUCCESS) {
++            PRErrorCode c = PR_GetError();
++            // If EINPROGRESS, return now and check back later after polling
++            if (c == PR_WOULD_BLOCK_ERROR || c == PR_IN_PROGRESS_ERROR) {
++                mState = SOCKS_CONNECTING_TO_PROXY;
++                return status;
++            }
++        }
++    } while (status != PR_SUCCESS);
++    // Connected now, start SOCKS
++    if (mVersion == 4)
++        return WriteV4ConnectRequest();
++    return WriteV5AuthRequest();
++nsSOCKSSocketInfo::ContinueConnectingToProxy(PRFileDesc *fd, PRInt16 oflags)
++    PRStatus status;
++                      "Continuing connection in wrong state!");
++    LOGDEBUG(("socks: continuing connection to proxy"));
++    status = fd->lower->methods->connectcontinue(fd->lower, oflags);
++    if (status != PR_SUCCESS) {
++        PRErrorCode c = PR_GetError();
++        if (c != PR_WOULD_BLOCK_ERROR && c != PR_IN_PROGRESS_ERROR) {
++            // A connection failure occured, try another address
++            mState = SOCKS_INITIAL;
++            return ConnectToProxy(fd);
++        }
++        // We're still connecting
++        return PR_FAILURE;
+     }
+-    if ((response[0] != 0x00) && (response[0] != 0x04)) {
+-        // Novell BorderManager sends a response of type 4, should be zero
+-        // According to the spec. Cope with this brokenness.        
+-        // it's not a SOCKS 4 reply or version 0 of the reply code
+-        LOGERROR(("Not a SOCKS 4 reply. Expected: 0; received: %x.", response[0]));
+-        return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
++    // Connected now, start SOCKS
++    if (mVersion == 4)
++        return WriteV4ConnectRequest();
++    return WriteV5AuthRequest();
++    PRNetAddr *addr = &mDestinationAddr;
++    PRInt32 proxy_resolve;
++                      "Invalid state!");
++    proxy_resolve = mFlags & nsISocketProvider::PROXY_RESOLVES_HOST;
++    mDataLength = 0;
++    LOGDEBUG(("socks4: sending connection request (socks4a resolve? %s)",
++             proxy_resolve? "yes" : "no"));
++    // Send a SOCKS 4 connect request.
++    WriteUint8(0x04); // version -- 4
++    WriteUint8(0x01); // command -- connect
++    WriteNetPort(addr);
++    if (proxy_resolve) {
++        // Add the full name, null-terminated, to the request
++        // according to SOCKS 4a. A fake IP address, with the first
++        // four bytes set to 0 and the last byte set to something other
++        // than 0, is used to notify the proxy that this is a SOCKS 4a
++        // request. This request type works for Tor and perhaps others.
++        WriteUint32(PR_htonl(0x00000001)); // Fake IP
++        WriteUint8(0x00); // Send an emtpy username
++        if (mDestinationHost.Length() > MAX_HOSTNAME_LEN) {
++            LOGERROR(("socks4: destination host name is too long!"));
++            HandshakeFinished(PR_BAD_ADDRESS_ERROR);
++            return PR_FAILURE;
++        }
++        WriteString(mDestinationHost); // Hostname
++        WriteUint8(0x00);
++    } else if (PR_NetAddrFamily(addr) == PR_AF_INET) {
++        WriteNetAddr(addr); // Add the IPv4 address
++        WriteUint8(0x00); // Send an emtpy username
++    } else if (PR_NetAddrFamily(addr) == PR_AF_INET6) {
++        LOGERROR(("socks: SOCKS 4 can't handle IPv6 addresses!"));
++        HandshakeFinished(PR_BAD_ADDRESS_ERROR);
++        return PR_FAILURE;
+     }
+-    if (response[1] != 0x5A) { // = 90: request granted
+-        // connect request not granted
+-        LOGERROR(("Connection request refused. Expected: 90; received: %d.", response[1]));
+-        return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
+-    }
+-    return NS_OK;
++    return PR_SUCCESS;
+ }
++                      "Handling SOCKS 4 connection reply in wrong state!");
++    NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE(mDataLength == 8,
++                      "SOCKS 4 connection reply must be 8 bytes!");
++    LOGDEBUG(("socks4: checking connection reply"));
++    if (ReadUint8() != 0x00) {
++        LOGERROR(("socks4: wrong connection reply"));
++        HandshakeFinished(PR_CONNECT_REFUSED_ERROR);
++        return PR_FAILURE;
++    }
++    // See if our connection request was granted
++    if (ReadUint8() == 90) {
++        LOGDEBUG(("socks4: connection successful!"));
++        HandshakeFinished();
++        return PR_SUCCESS;
++    }
++    LOGERROR(("socks4: unable to connect"));
++    HandshakeFinished(PR_CONNECT_REFUSED_ERROR);
++    return PR_FAILURE;
++    NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE(mVersion == 5, "SOCKS version must be 5!");
++    // Send an initial SOCKS 5 greeting
++    LOGDEBUG(("socks5: sending auth methods"));
++    WriteUint8(0x05); // version -- 5
++    WriteUint8(0x01); // # auth methods -- 1
++    WriteUint8(0x00); // we don't support authentication
++    return PR_SUCCESS;
++                      "Handling SOCKS 5 auth method reply in wrong state!");
++    NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE(mDataLength == 2,
++                      "SOCKS 5 auth method reply must be 2 bytes!");
++    LOGDEBUG(("socks5: checking auth method reply"));
++    // Check version number
++    if (ReadUint8() != 0x05) {
++        LOGERROR(("socks5: unexpected version in the reply"));
++        HandshakeFinished(PR_CONNECT_REFUSED_ERROR);
++        return PR_FAILURE;
++    }
++    // Make sure our authentication choice was accepted
++    if (ReadUint8() != 0x00) {
++        LOGERROR(("socks5: server did not accept our authentication method"));
++        HandshakeFinished(PR_CONNECT_REFUSED_ERROR);
++        return PR_FAILURE;
++    }
++    return WriteV5ConnectRequest();
++    // Send SOCKS 5 connect request
++    PRNetAddr *addr = &mDestinationAddr;
++    PRInt32 proxy_resolve;
++    proxy_resolve = mFlags & nsISocketProvider::PROXY_RESOLVES_HOST;
++    LOGDEBUG(("socks5: sending connection request (socks5 resolve? %s)",
++             proxy_resolve? "yes" : "no"));
++    mDataLength = 0;
++    WriteUint8(0x05); // version -- 5
++    WriteUint8(0x01); // command -- connect
++    WriteUint8(0x00); // reserved
++    // Add the address to the SOCKS 5 request. SOCKS 5 supports several
++    // address types, so we pick the one that works best for us.
++    if (proxy_resolve) {
++        // Add the host name. Only a single byte is used to store the length,
++        // so we must prevent long names from being used.
++        if (mDestinationHost.Length() > MAX_HOSTNAME_LEN) {
++            LOGERROR(("socks5: destination host name is too long!"));
++            HandshakeFinished(PR_BAD_ADDRESS_ERROR);
++            return PR_FAILURE;
++        }
++        WriteUint8(0x03); // addr type -- domainname
++        WriteUint8(mDestinationHost.Length()); // name length
++        WriteString(mDestinationHost);
++    } else if (PR_NetAddrFamily(addr) == PR_AF_INET) {
++        WriteUint8(0x01); // addr type -- IPv4
++        WriteNetAddr(addr);
++    } else if (PR_NetAddrFamily(addr) == PR_AF_INET6) {
++        WriteUint8(0x04); // addr type -- IPv6
++        WriteNetAddr(addr);
++    } else {
++        LOGERROR(("socks5: destination address of unknown type!"));
++        HandshakeFinished(PR_BAD_ADDRESS_ERROR);
++        return PR_FAILURE;
++    }
++    WriteNetPort(addr); // port
++    return PR_SUCCESS;
++nsSOCKSSocketInfo::ReadV5AddrTypeAndLength(PRUint8 *type, PRUint32 *len)
++                      mState == SOCKS5_READ_CONNECT_RESPONSE_BOTTOM,
++                      "Invalid state!");
++    NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE(mDataLength >= 5,
++                      "SOCKS 5 connection reply must be at least 5 bytes!");
++    // Seek to the address location 
++    mReadOffset = 3;
++    *type = ReadUint8();
++    switch (*type) {
++        case 0x01: // ipv4
++            *len = 4 - 1;
++            break;
++        case 0x04: // ipv6
++            *len = 16 - 1;
++            break;
++        case 0x03: // fqdn
++            *len = ReadUint8();
++            break;
++        default:   // wrong address type
++            LOGERROR(("socks5: wrong address type in connection reply!"));
++            return PR_FAILURE;
++    }
++    return PR_SUCCESS;
++    PRUint8 res;
++    PRUint32 len;
++                      "Invalid state!");
++    NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE(mDataLength == 5,
++                      "SOCKS 5 connection reply must be exactly 5 bytes!");
++    LOGDEBUG(("socks5: checking connection reply"));
++    // Check version number
++    if (ReadUint8() != 0x05) {
++        LOGERROR(("socks5: unexpected version in the reply"));
++        HandshakeFinished(PR_CONNECT_REFUSED_ERROR);
++        return PR_FAILURE;
++    }
++    // Check response
++    res = ReadUint8();
++    if (res != 0x00) {
++        PRErrorCode c = PR_CONNECT_REFUSED_ERROR;
++        switch (res) {
++            case 0x01:
++                LOGERROR(("socks5: connect failed: "
++                          "01, General SOCKS server failure."));
++                break;
++            case 0x02:
++                LOGERROR(("socks5: connect failed: "
++                          "02, Connection not allowed by ruleset."));
++                break;
++            case 0x03:
++                LOGERROR(("socks5: connect failed: 03, Network unreachable."));
++                c = PR_NETWORK_UNREACHABLE_ERROR;
++                break;
++            case 0x04:
++                LOGERROR(("socks5: connect failed: 04, Host unreachable."));
++                break;
++            case 0x05:
++                LOGERROR(("socks5: connect failed: 05, Connection refused."));
++                break;
++            case 0x06:  
++                LOGERROR(("socks5: connect failed: 06, TTL expired."));
++                c = PR_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_ERROR;
++                break;
++            case 0x07:
++                LOGERROR(("socks5: connect failed: "
++                          "07, Command not supported."));
++                break;
++            case 0x08:
++                LOGERROR(("socks5: connect failed: "
++                          "08, Address type not supported."));
++                c = PR_BAD_ADDRESS_ERROR;
++                break;
++            default:
++                LOGERROR(("socks5: connect failed."));
++                break;
++        }
++        HandshakeFinished(c);
++        return PR_FAILURE;
++    }
++    if (ReadV5AddrTypeAndLength(&res, &len) != PR_SUCCESS) {
++        HandshakeFinished(PR_BAD_ADDRESS_ERROR);
++        return PR_FAILURE;
++    }
++    WantRead(len + 2);
++    return PR_SUCCESS;
++    PRUint8 type;
++    PRUint32 len;
++                      "Invalid state!");
++    if (ReadV5AddrTypeAndLength(&type, &len) != PR_SUCCESS) {
++        HandshakeFinished(PR_BAD_ADDRESS_ERROR);
++        return PR_FAILURE;
++    }
++    NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE(mDataLength == 7+len,
++                      "SOCKS 5 unexpected length of connection reply!");
++    LOGDEBUG(("socks5: loading source addr and port"));
++    // Read what the proxy says is our source address
++    switch (type) {
++        case 0x01: // ipv4
++            ReadNetAddr(&mExternalProxyAddr, PR_AF_INET);
++            break;
++        case 0x04: // ipv6
++            ReadNetAddr(&mExternalProxyAddr, PR_AF_INET6);
++            break;
++        case 0x03: // fqdn (skip)
++            mReadOffset += len;
++            mExternalProxyAddr.raw.family = PR_AF_INET;
++            break;
++    }
++    ReadNetPort(&mExternalProxyAddr);
++    LOGDEBUG(("socks5: connected!"));
++    HandshakeFinished();
++    return PR_SUCCESS;
++nsSOCKSSocketInfo::SetConnectTimeout(PRIntervalTime to)
++    mTimeout = to;
++nsSOCKSSocketInfo::DoHandshake(PRFileDesc *fd, PRInt16 oflags)
++    LOGDEBUG(("socks: DoHandshake(), state = %d", mState));
++    switch (mState) {
++        case SOCKS_INITIAL:
++            return ConnectToProxy(fd);
++            return ContinueConnectingToProxy(fd, oflags);
++            if (WriteToSocket(fd) != PR_SUCCESS)
++                return PR_FAILURE;
++            WantRead(8);
++            mState = SOCKS4_READ_CONNECT_RESPONSE;
++            return PR_SUCCESS;
++            if (ReadFromSocket(fd) != PR_SUCCESS)
++                return PR_FAILURE;
++            return ReadV4ConnectResponse();
++            if (WriteToSocket(fd) != PR_SUCCESS)
++                return PR_FAILURE;
++            WantRead(2);
++            mState = SOCKS5_READ_AUTH_RESPONSE;
++            return PR_SUCCESS;
++            if (ReadFromSocket(fd) != PR_SUCCESS)
++                return PR_FAILURE;
++            return ReadV5AuthResponse();
++            if (WriteToSocket(fd) != PR_SUCCESS)
++                return PR_FAILURE;
++            // The SOCKS 5 response to the connection request is variable
++            // length. First, we'll read enough to tell how long the response
++            // is, and will read the rest later.
++            WantRead(5);
++            mState = SOCKS5_READ_CONNECT_RESPONSE_TOP;
++            return PR_SUCCESS;
++            if (ReadFromSocket(fd) != PR_SUCCESS)
++                return PR_FAILURE;
++            return ReadV5ConnectResponseTop();
++            if (ReadFromSocket(fd) != PR_SUCCESS)
++                return PR_FAILURE;
++            return ReadV5ConnectResponseBottom();
++        case SOCKS_CONNECTED:
++            LOGERROR(("socks: already connected"));
++            HandshakeFinished(PR_IS_CONNECTED_ERROR);
++            return PR_FAILURE;
++        case SOCKS_FAILED:
++            LOGERROR(("socks: already failed"));
++            return PR_FAILURE;
++    }
++    LOGERROR(("socks: executing handshake in invalid state, %d", mState));
++    HandshakeFinished(PR_INVALID_STATE_ERROR);
++    return PR_FAILURE;
++nsSOCKSSocketInfo::GetPollFlags() const
++    switch (mState) {
++            return PR_POLL_EXCEPT | PR_POLL_WRITE;
++            return PR_POLL_WRITE;
++            return PR_POLL_READ;
++        default:
++            break;
++    }
++    return 0;
++inline void
++nsSOCKSSocketInfo::WriteUint8(PRUint8 v)
++    NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE(mDataLength + sizeof(v) <= BUFFER_SIZE,
++                      "Can't write that much data!");
++    mData[mDataLength] = v;
++    mDataLength += sizeof(v);
++inline void
++nsSOCKSSocketInfo::WriteUint16(PRUint16 v)
++    NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE(mDataLength + sizeof(v) <= BUFFER_SIZE,
++                      "Can't write that much data!");
++    memcpy(mData + mDataLength, &v, sizeof(v));
++    mDataLength += sizeof(v);
++inline void
++nsSOCKSSocketInfo::WriteUint32(PRUint32 v)
++    NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE(mDataLength + sizeof(v) <= BUFFER_SIZE,
++                      "Can't write that much data!");
++    memcpy(mData + mDataLength, &v, sizeof(v));
++    mDataLength += sizeof(v);
++nsSOCKSSocketInfo::WriteNetAddr(const PRNetAddr *addr)
++    const char *ip = NULL;
++    PRUint32 len = 0;
++    if (PR_NetAddrFamily(addr) == PR_AF_INET) {
++        ip = (const char*)&addr->inet.ip;
++        len = sizeof(addr->inet.ip);
++    } else if (PR_NetAddrFamily(addr) == PR_AF_INET6) {
++        ip = (const char*)addr->ipv6.ip.pr_s6_addr;
++        len = sizeof(addr->ipv6.ip.pr_s6_addr);
++    }
++    NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE(ip != NULL, "Unknown address");
++    NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE(mDataLength + len <= BUFFER_SIZE,
++                      "Can't write that much data!");
++    memcpy(mData + mDataLength, ip, len);
++    mDataLength += len;
++nsSOCKSSocketInfo::WriteNetPort(const PRNetAddr *addr)
++    WriteUint16(PR_NetAddrInetPort(addr));
++nsSOCKSSocketInfo::WriteString(const nsACString &str)
++    NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE(mDataLength + str.Length() <= BUFFER_SIZE,
++                      "Can't write that much data!");
++    memcpy(mData + mDataLength, str.Data(), str.Length());
++    mDataLength += str.Length();
++inline PRUint8
++    PRUint8 rv;
++    NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE(mReadOffset + sizeof(rv) <= mDataLength,
++                      "Not enough space to pop a uint8!");
++    rv = mData[mReadOffset];
++    mReadOffset += sizeof(rv);
++    return rv;
++inline PRUint16
++    PRUint16 rv;
++    NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE(mReadOffset + sizeof(rv) <= mDataLength,
++                      "Not enough space to pop a uint16!");
++    memcpy(&rv, mData + mReadOffset, sizeof(rv));
++    mReadOffset += sizeof(rv);
++    return rv;
++inline PRUint32
++    PRUint32 rv;
++    NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE(mReadOffset + sizeof(rv) <= mDataLength,
++                      "Not enough space to pop a uint32!");
++    memcpy(&rv, mData + mReadOffset, sizeof(rv));
++    mReadOffset += sizeof(rv);
++    return rv;
++nsSOCKSSocketInfo::ReadNetAddr(PRNetAddr *addr, PRUint16 fam)
++    PRUint32 amt;
++    const PRUint8 *ip = mData + mReadOffset;
++    addr->raw.family = fam;
++    if (fam == PR_AF_INET) {
++        amt = sizeof(addr->inet.ip);
++        NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE(mReadOffset + amt <= mDataLength,
++                          "Not enough space to pop an ipv4 addr!");
++        memcpy(&addr->inet.ip, ip, amt);
++    } else if (fam == PR_AF_INET6) {
++        amt = sizeof(addr->ipv6.ip.pr_s6_addr);
++        NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE(mReadOffset + amt <= mDataLength,
++                          "Not enough space to pop an ipv6 addr!");
++        memcpy(addr->ipv6.ip.pr_s6_addr, ip, amt);
++    }
++    mReadOffset += amt;
++nsSOCKSSocketInfo::ReadNetPort(PRNetAddr *addr)
++    addr->inet.port = ReadUint16();
++nsSOCKSSocketInfo::WantRead(PRUint32 sz)
++    NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE(mDataIoPtr == NULL,
++                      "WantRead() called while I/O already in progress!");
++    NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE(mDataLength + sz <= BUFFER_SIZE,
++                      "Can't read that much data!");
++    mAmountToRead = sz;
++nsSOCKSSocketInfo::ReadFromSocket(PRFileDesc *fd)
++    PRInt32 rc;
++    const PRUint8 *end;
++    if (!mAmountToRead) {
++        LOGDEBUG(("socks: ReadFromSocket(), nothing to do"));
++        return PR_SUCCESS;
++    }
++    if (!mDataIoPtr) {
++        mDataIoPtr = mData + mDataLength;
++        mDataLength += mAmountToRead;
++    }
++    end = mData + mDataLength;
++    while (mDataIoPtr < end) {
++        rc = PR_Read(fd, mDataIoPtr, end - mDataIoPtr);
++        if (rc <= 0) {
++            if (rc == 0) {
++                LOGERROR(("socks: proxy server closed connection"));
++                HandshakeFinished(PR_CONNECT_REFUSED_ERROR);
++                return PR_FAILURE;
++            } else if (PR_GetError() == PR_WOULD_BLOCK_ERROR) {
++                LOGDEBUG(("socks: ReadFromSocket(), want read"));
++            }
++            break;
++        }
++        mDataIoPtr += rc;
++    }
++    LOGDEBUG(("socks: ReadFromSocket(), have %u bytes total",
++             unsigned(mDataIoPtr - mData)));
++    if (mDataIoPtr == end) {
++        mDataIoPtr = nsnull;
++        mAmountToRead = 0;
++        mReadOffset = 0;
++        return PR_SUCCESS;
++    }
++    return PR_FAILURE;
++nsSOCKSSocketInfo::WriteToSocket(PRFileDesc *fd)
++    PRInt32 rc;
++    const PRUint8 *end;
++    if (!mDataLength) {
++        LOGDEBUG(("socks: WriteToSocket(), nothing to do"));
++        return PR_SUCCESS;
++    }
++    if (!mDataIoPtr)
++        mDataIoPtr = mData;
++    end = mData + mDataLength;
++    while (mDataIoPtr < end) {
++        rc = PR_Write(fd, mDataIoPtr, end - mDataIoPtr);
++        if (rc < 0) {
++            if (PR_GetError() == PR_WOULD_BLOCK_ERROR) {
++                LOGDEBUG(("socks: WriteToSocket(), want write"));
++            }
++            break;
++        }
++        mDataIoPtr += rc;
++    }
++    if (mDataIoPtr == end) {
++        mDataIoPtr = nsnull;
++        mDataLength = 0;
++        mReadOffset = 0;
++        return PR_SUCCESS;
++    }
++    return PR_FAILURE;
+ static PRStatus
+-nsSOCKSIOLayerConnect(PRFileDesc *fd, const PRNetAddr *addr, PRIntervalTime /*timeout*/)
++nsSOCKSIOLayerConnect(PRFileDesc *fd, const PRNetAddr *addr, PRIntervalTime to)
+ {
++    PRStatus status;
++    PRNetAddr dst;
++    nsSOCKSSocketInfo * info = (nsSOCKSSocketInfo*) fd->secret;
++    if (info == NULL) return PR_FAILURE;
++    if (PR_NetAddrFamily(addr) == PR_AF_INET6 &&
++        PR_IsNetAddrType(addr, PR_IpAddrV4Mapped)) {
++        const PRUint8 *srcp;
++        LOGDEBUG(("socks: converting ipv4-mapped ipv6 address to ipv4"));
++        // copied from _PR_ConvertToIpv4NetAddr()
++        PR_InitializeNetAddr(PR_IpAddrAny, 0, &dst);
++        srcp = addr->ipv6.ip.pr_s6_addr;
++        memcpy(&dst.inet.ip, srcp + 12, 4);
++        dst.inet.family = PR_AF_INET;
++        dst.inet.port = addr->ipv6.port;
++    } else {
++        memcpy(&dst, addr, sizeof(dst));
++    }
++    info->SetDestinationAddr(&dst);
++    info->SetConnectTimeout(to);
++    do {
++        status = info->DoHandshake(fd, -1);
++    } while (status == PR_SUCCESS && !info->IsConnected());
++    return status;
++static PRStatus
++nsSOCKSIOLayerConnectContinue(PRFileDesc *fd, PRInt16 oflags)
+     PRStatus status;
+     nsSOCKSSocketInfo * info = (nsSOCKSSocketInfo*) fd->secret;
+     if (info == NULL) return PR_FAILURE;
+-    // First, we need to look up our proxy...
+-    const nsCString &proxyHost = info->ProxyHost();
++    do { 
++        status = info->DoHandshake(fd, oflags);
++    } while (status == PR_SUCCESS && !info->IsConnected());
+-    if (proxyHost.IsEmpty())
+-        return PR_FAILURE;
++    return status;
+-    PRInt32 socksVersion = info->Version();
++static PRInt16
++nsSOCKSIOLayerPoll(PRFileDesc *fd, PRInt16 in_flags, PRInt16 *out_flags)
++    nsSOCKSSocketInfo * info = (nsSOCKSSocketInfo*) fd->secret;
++    if (info == NULL) return PR_FAILURE;
+-    LOGDEBUG(("nsSOCKSIOLayerConnect SOCKS %u; proxyHost: %s.", socksVersion, proxyHost.get()));
+-    // Sync resolve the proxy hostname.
+-    PRNetAddr proxyAddr;
+-    nsCOMPtr<nsIDNSRecord> rec;
+-    nsresult rv;
+-    {
+-        nsCOMPtr<nsIDNSService> dns = do_GetService(NS_DNSSERVICE_CONTRACTID);
+-        if (!dns)
+-            return PR_FAILURE;
+-        rv = dns->Resolve(proxyHost, 0, getter_AddRefs(rec));
+-        if (NS_FAILED(rv))
+-            return PR_FAILURE;
++    if (!info->IsConnected()) {
++        *out_flags = 0;
++        return info->GetPollFlags();
+     }
+-    info->SetInternalProxyAddr(&proxyAddr);
+-    // For now, we'll do this as a blocking connect,
+-    // but with nspr 4.1, the necessary functions to
+-    // do a non-blocking connect will be available
+-    // Preserve the non-blocking state of the socket
+-    PRBool nonblocking;
+-    PRSocketOptionData sockopt;
+-    sockopt.option = PR_SockOpt_Nonblocking;
+-    status = PR_GetSocketOption(fd, &sockopt);
+-    if (PR_SUCCESS != status) {
+-        LOGERROR(("PR_GetSocketOption() failed. status = %x.", status));
+-        return status;
+-    }
+-    // Store blocking option
+-    nonblocking = sockopt.value.non_blocking;
+-    sockopt.option = PR_SockOpt_Nonblocking;
+-    sockopt.value.non_blocking = PR_FALSE;
+-    status = PR_SetSocketOption(fd, &sockopt);
+-    if (PR_SUCCESS != status) {
+-        LOGERROR(("PR_SetSocketOption() failed. status = %x.", status));
+-        return status;
+-    }
+-    // Now setup sockopts, so we can restore the value later.
+-    sockopt.option = PR_SockOpt_Nonblocking;
+-    sockopt.value.non_blocking = nonblocking;
+-    // This connectWait should be long enough to connect to local proxy
+-    // servers, but not much longer. Since this protocol negotiation
+-    // uses blocking network calls, the app can appear to hang for a maximum
+-    // of this time if the user presses the STOP button during the SOCKS
+-    // connection negotiation. Note that this value only applies to the
+-    // connecting to the SOCKS server: once the SOCKS connection has been
+-    // established, the value is not used anywhere else.
+-    PRIntervalTime connectWait = PR_SecondsToInterval(10);
+-    // Connect to the proxy server.
+-    PRInt32 addresses = 0;
+-    do {
+-        rv = rec->GetNextAddr(info->ProxyPort(), &proxyAddr);
+-        if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+-            status = PR_FAILURE;
+-            break;
+-        }
+-        ++addresses;
+-        status = fd->lower->methods->connect(fd->lower, &proxyAddr, connectWait);
+-    } while (PR_SUCCESS != status);
+-    if (PR_SUCCESS != status) {
+-        LOGERROR(("Failed to TCP connect to the proxy server (%s): timeout = %d, status = %x, tried %d addresses.", proxyHost.get(), connectWait, status, addresses));
+-        PR_SetSocketOption(fd, &sockopt);
+-        return status;
+-    }
+-    // We are now connected to the SOCKS proxy server.
+-    // Now we will negotiate a connection to the desired server.
+-    // External IP address returned from ConnectSOCKS5(). Not supported in SOCKS4.
+-    PRNetAddr extAddr;
+-    PR_InitializeNetAddr(PR_IpAddrNull, 0, &extAddr);
+-    NS_ASSERTION((socksVersion == 4) || (socksVersion == 5), "SOCKS Version must be selected");
+-    // Try to connect via SOCKS 5.
+-    if (socksVersion == 5) {
+-        rv = ConnectSOCKS5(fd, addr, &extAddr, connectWait);
+-        if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+-            PR_SetSocketOption(fd, &sockopt);
+-            return PR_FAILURE;
+-        }
+-    }
+-    // Try to connect via SOCKS 4.
+-    else {
+-        rv = ConnectSOCKS4(fd, addr, connectWait);
+-        if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+-            PR_SetSocketOption(fd, &sockopt);
+-            return PR_FAILURE;
+-        }
+-    }
+-    info->SetDestinationAddr((PRNetAddr*)addr);
+-    info->SetExternalProxyAddr(&extAddr);
+-    // restore non-blocking option
+-    PR_SetSocketOption(fd, &sockopt);
+-    // we're set-up and connected.
+-    // this socket can be used as normal now.
+-    return PR_SUCCESS;
++    return fd->lower->methods->poll(fd->lower, in_flags, out_flags);
+ }
+ static PRStatus
+ nsSOCKSIOLayerClose(PRFileDesc *fd)
+ {
+     nsSOCKSSocketInfo * info = (nsSOCKSSocketInfo*) fd->secret;
+     PRDescIdentity id = PR_GetLayersIdentity(fd);
+@@ -880,16 +1115,18 @@ nsSOCKSIOLayerAddToSocket(PRInt32 family
+     if (firstTime)
+     {
+         nsSOCKSIOLayerIdentity		= PR_GetUniqueIdentity("SOCKS layer");
+         nsSOCKSIOLayerMethods		= *PR_GetDefaultIOMethods();
+         nsSOCKSIOLayerMethods.connect	= nsSOCKSIOLayerConnect;
++        nsSOCKSIOLayerMethods.connectcontinue	= nsSOCKSIOLayerConnectContinue;
++        nsSOCKSIOLayerMethods.poll	= nsSOCKSIOLayerPoll;
+         nsSOCKSIOLayerMethods.bind	= nsSOCKSIOLayerBind;
+         nsSOCKSIOLayerMethods.acceptread = nsSOCKSIOLayerAcceptRead;
+         nsSOCKSIOLayerMethods.getsockname = nsSOCKSIOLayerGetName;
+         nsSOCKSIOLayerMethods.getpeername = nsSOCKSIOLayerGetPeerName;
+         nsSOCKSIOLayerMethods.accept	= nsSOCKSIOLayerAccept;
+         nsSOCKSIOLayerMethods.listen	= nsSOCKSIOLayerListen;
+         nsSOCKSIOLayerMethods.close	= nsSOCKSIOLayerClose;

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