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[tor-relays] False warnings about inaccurate clock

Hi all,

I got two strange warnings within three days that I've never found in my logs before:

Apr 15 21:58:08.000 [warn] Our clock is 1 minutes, 52 seconds behind the time published in the consensus network status document (2014-04-15 20:00:00 UTC). Tor needs an accurate clock to work correctly. Please check your time and date settings! Apr 18 15:58:03.000 [warn] Our clock is 1 minutes, 57 seconds behind the time published in the consensus network status document (2014-04-18 14:00:00 UTC). Tor needs an accurate clock to work correctly. Please check your time and date settings!

My "problem" with these warnings is: my server's time is correct. I'm running an NTP demon and verified the time manually - there is not even one second deviation, much less nearly two minutes.

Has anyone else experienced such warnings these last days?

Is it really my server or could it be an error with the consensus network status document?

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