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Re: [tor-relays] Exit relay funding

On Wed, 09 Mar 2016 14:51:12 +0100
Elrippo <elrippo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Why are you then complaining if you do not accept money for running
> your relays?!

Where do you see any complaining? I guess you misunderstood my mail.

If other people are getting support in keeping their relays up and
running, that's fine and I am quite happy for them. I have re-read my
mail multiple times and can't fathom how one could interpret that mail
as "complaining". It merely states that - although we don't need any
funding for operational expenses - donations for upgrades are more than

> I personally do not have any problems with contributing, you earn my
> full respect, but I do have problems with relay operators who are
> complaining about others getting funded.

Where did I do that? Why would I possibly complain about anyone funding
other relays? This makes no sense. It's good for the network if that
happens and allows diversity.

> Maybe a change in your strategy would make the life of your precious
> and fast relays a bit easier...

I have shut down our "precious and fast relays" recently as we
decided unanimously that the tor-community does not need or appreciate
our support. Just to make it clear: "appreciate" in this context
doesn't mean funding. All those yearswe didn't get as much as a "thank
you!" from anyone.
The >500mbit/s of bandwidth from our diversely peered network which we
continuously shoveled into the tor network for the past years can now be
used for more worthwhile projects.

How's that for a "change in strategy"?


p.s. sorry for the delayed reply. I just peek into the folder with this
list every now and then, due to the high volume and bad SNR.
As I don't have any further interest in the tor project I'll be also
unsubscribing shortly. So long and thanks for all the fish!
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