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Re: [tor-relays] 10 Years Torservers.net: Death or Future?

> This is exactly what OpenCollective solves. They have a set of
> non-profits which act as host organizations and do all this fiscal
> work for you. You do not have to do any paperwork, any taxes, etc.
> Those non-profits take 5% for this work, but it does simplify this if
> the problem is in person-power to otherwise do this.

Okay, I´ll bite. How do they solve this? They have ready made non profits in Germany (eingetragener gemeinnütziger Verein) that I can use and rename and you will take care of it? And the 6 people will be delivered to?
So basically slavery with extra steps and a  5% cut ...

> Mitar
> --
> http://mitar.tnode.com/
> https://twitter.com/mitar_m
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