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[tor-relays] DDoS attack targeted on my exit node


my tor exit node was targeted with two DDoS attacks, one on 2014-12-20 01:00 CET and one on 2014-12-22 18:00 CET [1], both lasting about 5 minutes each.

This alone wouldnât be too noteworthy if it werenât for the fact that 

a) thereâs a certain state of alarm WRT the Tor networks integrity and 

b) these are the only attacks my ISP has on record for the over 2.5 years of operating the Tor Exit node.

If no other operators have noticed anything out of the ordinary (given by the silence on the list) this is most likely a fluke (getting rid of pesky IRC users?), but better be safe than sorry.


[1] http://i.imgur.com/Zu9UkW3.png Summary screen

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