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Re: [tor-relays] Unwarranted discrimination of relays with dynamic IP

Am 04.12.2016 um 19:50 schrieb Rana:

> Since when is there a requirement for a relay operator to have "programming skills"? 

This requirement does not exist.

But there if you want make tor behave differently than it does,
programming skills are welcome (but not necessary).

> [tor] should say so and I would stop wasting my time. [...]
> Otherwise, Tor should fix what's broken.

Telling "tor" what it has to do will not work. For sure.

Contribute nothing - expect nothing. Nobody feels obliged to change the
code just to make tor behave as you like under your setup.

(yes, I know, you are at least willing to contribute your bandwidth).

You have to convince someone that your needs are worth to be implemented
or just implement them on your own. Listening to explanations why tor
behaves like it does and repeating your demands is possibly not the best
way to contribute.


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