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Re: [tor-relays] Call for Tor Fallback Directories

Hey teor,

my relay 5665A3904C89E22E971305EE8C1997BCA4123C69 is according to your log [4] black and whitelisted. But it is only in the whitelist from you [1]
My second relay B567E8E39641F61091C1F2CAAAF73D3D1BF9CFE1 is according to [4] blacklisted but also not in [2].

I hope you can clarify this out.

Best Regards

Am 04.12.2016 um 11:44 schrieb teor:
Dear Tor Relay Operator,

Your relay(s) can help tor clients find the tor network by becoming a
fallback directory mirror.[0]

These mirrors are hard-coded into tor's source code, like the directory
authorities. We have 80 fallbacks, but we want 200 for the next release.

Fallbacks need to have:
- the same IP address(es) and ports for the next 2 years,
- the same relay identity key for the next 2 years,
- good uptime (at least 95%), and
- good bandwidth and network connectivity
  (we estimate an extra 25GB per month).

Please email me to add your relays that fit these criteria to the list.
If you are BCC'd on this email, it looks like you have at least one
relay that could become a fallback.
You can also email me if you know your relay will be changing address
or key, and I'll make sure we don't choose it.

We are keeping the fallback lists from the last release[1][2].

So if you have emailed me before about becoming a fallback, there is no
need to email again. But please let me know if your relay details have
changed.  (I did not BCC relay operators who are already on the fallback
lists, unless their relay details changed.)

In a week or two, I will run a script to select the hard-coded list for
the release.

If you're interested, here's some background to this request:

The latest list[3] and log[4] of candidates was generated using the
instructions in [5] from scripts/maint/updateFallbackDirs.py on my
GitHub branch[6]. (This branch has some bug fixes compared to what's in
master.) We're tracking this work in [7].

[0]: https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/doc/FallbackDirectoryMirrors
[1]: https://github.com/teor2345/tor/blob/fallbacks-029-v2/scripts/maint/fallback.whitelist
[2]: https://github.com/teor2345/tor/blob/fallbacks-029-v2/scripts/maint/fallback.blacklist
[3]: https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/attachment/ticket/18828/potential_extra_fallbacks_2016-12-04
[4]: https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/attachment/ticket/18828/potential_extra_fallbacks_2016-12-04.log
[5]: https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/doc/UpdatingFallbackDirectoryMirrors
[6]: https://github.com/teor2345/tor/blob/fallbacks-029-v2/scripts/maint/updateFallbackDirs.py
[7]: https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/18828


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