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Re: [tor-relays] companies and organizations running relays

MIT CSAIL has operated an exit for many years, longer than there's
been CSAIL actually started as a pet project of min in (now defunct)
AI Lab.

At this point it has grown some level of officialness.


On Tue, Dec 05, 2017 at 07:03:00PM +0000, Alison Macrina wrote:
:Hi all,
:Phoul and I are working on a blog post/guide to encourage more relay
:operators. The post will include technical and legal information for
:relay operators, but also things that are in more of a "social"
:category, like information for starting a relay operators group on a
:college campus. In that section, we want to highlight a few of the
:companies or non-profit organizations that run relays, but we're
:realizing that we don't actually have an up to date list.
:I'm wondering if folks on this list can help me by confirming the
:organizations that they know of running relays.
:Thanks! And if you're interested in contributing to the relay operators
:draft we have so far, please ping me off list. Something this
:comprehensive can always use an extra pair of eyes.
:Alison Macrina
:Community Team Lead
:The Tor Project
:tor-relays mailing list
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