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Re: [tor-relays] Issues with faravahar?

On 12 Dec 2017, at 20:36, r1610091651 <r1610091651@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:


I'm seeing regular issues with faravahar in logs lately. Is somebody working on this?

faravahar is not voting, so it's probably down:

I assume the operator is aware and is working on a fix.

Dec 12 10:32:56.000 [warn] HTTP status 502 ("Bad Gateway") was unexpected while uploading descriptor to server ''. Possibly the server is misconfigured?
Dec 12 10:33:56.000 [warn] Received http status code 502 ("Bad Gateway") from server '' while fetching "/tor/server/d/706E3C29265BD073DF77DC457A3CD8B1BC16C6E6+E223A1B036E3F7315DCADE32F6A4428F15148987.z". I'll try again soon.

This is a proxy telling you that the POST request can't be
handled by the authority.

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