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Re: [tor-relays] Recommended IPv6 Configuration

Good day,

I was able to set this up on my four relays however it was a bit of a chore and a couple of relay operators provided a lot of helpful articles. From what I understand some of this depends on the host. My relays are running on Frantech and they don't offer support for this directly. Also I am running HardenedBSD which has a rather unique set up ( at least for me) the point I suppose might be this, offering insight into what Distribution you are running might help narrow this down. Once I got it to work on one relay the rest were fairly straightforward. I know this may not be exactly what you wanted but take this as encouragement, I am not as technical as most here ergo I would imagine if I can do it anyone can!

Best regards,


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-------- Original Message --------
On Feb 3, 2022, 9:25 AM, < t.duellmann+torrelays@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Dear list,

I read here [1] that IPv6 is on the rise and support for it is growing.
Are there any recommendations or best-practices how to configure a Tor
relay with IPv6?
Alternatively, could anybody who got it set up already, post their
experiences and maybe even the relevant parts of their torrc?


[1] https://blog.torproject.org/state-of-ipv6-support-tor-network/
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