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Re: [tor-relays] New relay has a problem - Additional info about net config

Hey Olaf,

I'd try the following:

- restart tor
- restart whole server
- try setting:


in torrc.

I have no experience with nyx and if it displays logs from tor or if
some unicorns are in between, so maybe take a look if the logs written by tor itself differ from the nyx ones.

The "Address '::1'" is surprising when not having IPv6 enabled at all (which is also supported by the "ip a" output).


On 2/12/22 22:03, Olaf Grimm wrote:

Here info about netconfig. In the INFO messages is a part of 'Could not get local interface IP address."
A mystical thing.

root@localhost:~# ip a
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000
     link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
     inet scope host lo
        valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
2: eth0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP group default qlen 1000
     link/ether 00:16:03:e5:d6:a0 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
     altname enp0s3
     altname ens3
     inet brd scope global dynamic eth0
        valid_lft 2583814sec preferred_lft 2583814sec

Am 12.02.22 um 20:43 schrieb Olaf Grimm:
Hello Tor community!

I have some identical new relays, but only one of them has a problem.
My intention was an IPv6 problem, so there ist IPV6 diabled at all.


Ports open: 22, 80, 9001

Test from outside by scanner: ok
UFW firewall open ports set to: 22, 80, 9001

torrc: No IPv6 configuration enabled.

The same configuration about all relays.

With Nyx I can see built circuits, but the relay does not appear in the metrics, but other relays already show strong traffic.

Debian system updates are possible, the HTTP frontpage is displayed at the given IP address, DNS 'unbound' ok because updates are possible.
Unbound is set to only.

Here some logs from Nyx (copy like displayed):

  11:18:41 [INFO] find_my_address(): Unable to find our IP address.

  11:18:41 [INFO] address_can_be_used(): Address '::1' is a private IP address. Tor relays that use the default DirAuthorities must have public IP addresses.

  11:18:41 [INFO] tor_getaddrinfo(): (Sandbox) getaddrinfo succeeded.

  11:18:41 [INFO] get_address_from_interface(): Could not get local interface IP address.

  11:18:41 [INFO] get_interface_address6_via_udp_socket_hack(): connect() failed: Cannot assign requested address

  11:18:41 [INFO] address_can_be_used(): Address '::' is a private IP address. Tor relays that use the default DirAuthorities must have public IP addresses.

  11:18:41 [INFO] get_address_from_config(): No Address option found in configuration.

  11:18:39 [INFO] update_consensus_router_descriptor_downloads(): 0 router descriptors downloadable. 0 delayed; 6795 present (0 of those were in old_routers); 0 would_reject; 0 wouldnt_use; 0 in

I can not find what is wrong, but I see "::" what is IPv6.
In Debian /etc/sysctl.conf IPv6 is disabled.

net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1

Can you help me? Please check the IP in the consensus. Blocked?

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