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Re: [tor-relays] Legal implications of tor relays

On 01/20/2014 05:08 PM, tor@xxxxxxxx wrote:
> I have set up a tor relay with no exit functionality yet. Having read
> through the documentation and general legal hints, I am still unsure
> of the legal situation in Germany. Are there some of you guys who
> had contact with hosting providers because of abuse claims?
> Is there anything you can share? Are pure relays safe to use or
> are the hosting providers still clueless?

Non-exit relays consume bandwidth. That's all they do, and depending on
the ISP that alone might be something they don't like, especially those
with "unlimited/unmetered" cheap VPS. Apart from that, hosting providers
can and should stay "clueless" about what you do.

For exits, see

Moritz Bartl
tor-relays mailing list