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Re: [tor-relays] Trying Trusted Tor Traceroutes

On 20 Jan 2014, at 02:57, Anupam Das wrote:

Dear Tor relay operators,
                                     We have recently received a good rate of participation by relay operators to our measurement project. To give everyone an idea of the current participation rate we have hosted a live scoreboard of all our participants, available at

The live scoreboard highlights all the IPs from which we received traceroute results along with the current status of the script running in their machine. The live scorebaord also summarizes the participation by the top Tor Families and the top guard and exit relays.

We thank all the relay operators who have participated and hope more relay operators will participate soon.

Few question Anupam,
1) is that only for relays that are in the relay-ips.txt file, what about relays setup after?

2) I think I have sent the results for first phases few days ago but I can't see my relay on the scoreboard.
3) At the moment I am in the middle of the last phase, I think:

bash-3.2$ ls Traceroute-results/
slash24-1390159273-xxx-95.ips         slash24-1390159273-xxx-95.scamper

Unfortunately my system was offline for 10h with scamper still running during that phase... should I restart? 


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