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Re: [tor-relays] de-centralised bad exit list files - a bad and/or naive idea ?

On Fri, 03 Jul 2015 04:27:50 -0700, Toralf Förster <toralf.foerster@xxxxxx> wrote:

Reading "[tor-relays] unflagged BAD EXIT nodes" /me wonders, such a feature would makes sense.

Technically this could yield to a ./torrc.d config directory, where tor users could store the (regular updated) list/s they do trusts.

That would be nice, right now copying in the fingerprints of dozens of exit nodes into torrc is downright painful, especially since they can't be listed on their own lines.

The ability to use nginx style include statements in torrc would also be helpful, that way values like 'ExitNodes' could be maintained in a separate file.
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