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Re: [tor-relays] Unutilized bandwidth

Hi Alec,

Alec Larsen:

> For the past month, I have been operating an exit node ( 89094DFA4158C7A1583EC3A332CDCBC74A28CC0E ) from UnitedIX in Chicago, IL, US. The server has a dedicated gigabit port, and I had hoped to be able to relay around 200 TB of traffic per month, but for some reason my advertised bandwidth has been hovering at just 12 MiB/s since the first few days.

It takes some time for relay traffic to ramp up, this is especially true for
guard relays but to a lesser extend also for exit relays. To understand this
process, read about the lifecycle of a new relay [1]: ​

[1] https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/TorRelayGuide#Torrelaylifecycle

Thank you for running relay(s).

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