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Re: [tor-relays] Running gigabit relay

Yes, I know.

Keyweb rent IPs, from 9 € per month for 8 IPs. They say that I'd need at least a Rv-server. But I don't know how to do. Would be possible to use different IPs on my home connection, than those assigned from my ISP? Could you give me some tips?

On 27 July 2019 18:38:00 CEST, nusenu <nusenu-lists@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I should activate an asymmetrical FTTH connection (1000/200). I
should buy a new router in order to manage properly this bandwidth.
If possible, I would run an exit relay instance in the router too.

for the record:
remember, it is strongly discouraged to run tor exit relays from home.

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