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Re: [tor-relays] tor relay - vps maintenance - what to do ?

On Sun, Jul 12, 2020 at 09:12:31PM +0000, dlugasny@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> in the next three days, my VPS provider planning to shutdown ("maintenanance") for 6 hours my VPS where tor relay is running (with some services). What should I do ?
> I suspect that my VPS will be copied and reviewed (by not authorized persons) afterwards. How do You react in such a situations ?
> I appreciate any advice.

The conservative choice would be to remove all the key material (that is,
delete the files in your DataDirectory/keys/ directory) before it shuts
down, and then start a fresh relay (with fresh keys) when it comes back.

It really comes down to how much you think they will mess with it (or
maybe even, why you think they've picked your VPS for maintenance at all).

Leaving it alone and not stressing about it, or rotating to fresh keys,
are both valid approaches. It depends how you want to approach it.

Hope that helps,

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