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Re: [tor-relays] What is the different between Tor browser and Tor source code

dave` dave:
> I know that i can download Tor Browser and use it as a regular browser with
> a touch of anonymity. but, if i want to change a few things in Tor i can
> change in .torrc file like the ExitNode, EntryNodeetc.. as i have here in
> Tor's manual:
> https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-manual.html.en
> but, if i want to change a way more series things i need to change it from
> the source code for example the numbers of Nodes-hop make 1 one or 8 hop's:
> https://www.torproject.org/download/download.html.en
> after changing the source code i and to install it:
> ./configure && make install
> more info:
> https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-doc-unix.html.en
> after changing thw source code as i want it compiled without any
> error's(Ubuntu 16.04 VMware).
> after the compiling im in kind of in dead end don't know what to do.
> i want to use the source code that i edit as a i use in regular Tor-Browser
> can i do that?

Yes, just copy it over the tor which we ship in


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