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Re: [tor-relays] Moving my obfs4 bridge from tor expert bundle to Debian, and have some questions. Thanks.


On 30 Mar 2020, at 13:45, Keifer Bly <keifer.bly@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

So I am switching the OBFS4 bridge I was running via Tor Expert Bundle on Windows 10 over to running it via Debian app for Windows 10.

This app is on the Windows store at https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/debian/9msvkqc78pk6?activetab=pivot:overviewtab

Essentially, it is an app that lets you run Linux packages on Windows. I made the switch so that I could keep tor and obfs4 up to date using unattended upgrades.

However, for some odd reason, despite the fact I backed up the tor identity keys and pasted them into the keys directory when I moved over, the bridge is still generating new keys on startup. I copied the key files from my expert bundle bridge to

/var/lib/tor/keys directory in the Linu terminal, I copied all of the files. It’s a bridge so no big deal I guess, but wonder why that is happening.

Please show us the tor logs.


And, I tested to see of unattended upgrades was working correctly after configuring it with these instructions:



And got this the attached photo as a result, does this mean it is keeping tor and obfs4 up to date?

Please use a pastebin for logs, or paste the text in your email.
https://paste.debian.net is good.

Looks like updates aren't working, do you see the line that says:
Sanity check failed

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