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Re: [tor-relays] Tor project helping to attempt to cancel Richard Stallman

On Fri, Mar 26, 2021 at 3:11 PM Roman Mamedov <rm@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Could be important to note that no harassment allegations were ever aimed at
RMS himself, he's just being attacked for posting a personal opinion about
unrelated events.

This is untrue, it's even covered in the open letter


> Long before this incident, Stallman was contributing to an uncomfortable environment for women at MIT in a very real and visceral way.

> Many, many years ago, women in the AI and CS labs met to deal with the problematic atmosphere for women in the labs. We met as a group, discussed the issues, complied examples, presented them to the labs, then wrote a report. In the early 80’s, it was a pretty big deal but it would seem it did not have lasting effects.

This isn't a case of him just being attacked for a personal opinion.

Even if it was, at what point do we accept that repeatedly stating that opinion undermines the work your foundation is supposed to be doing?

> Ah, I see, feminists and leftists must be triggered right now, but how
> does this relate to the Tor Project or Mozilla in anyway?

It's always fun to get in a group and pick on someone who is weak and cannot
answer, i.e. the "schoolyard" mentality.
> Sure, it's not the best PR for both but if he's a valuable (code)
> contributor I'd let it slip - anyone remember the Freedom of speech
> principle?

He doesn't code as much these days, but he launched Free Software as a concept,
wrote the General Public License and some cornerstone software such as GCC,
it is thanks to him that we have such operating system as GNU/Linux.
Here's how it all went: https://www.oreilly.com/openbook/freedom/

It's true, we have a lot to thank RMS for. It doesn't necessarily follow that he's still the right figurehead, or even an appropriate one.

With respect,
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