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[tor-relays] Nagios/Icinga plugin check_tor_bandwidth for gathering bandwidth data

Hello @all,

(I'm not sure if you guys are interested in a topic like this)
I wrote a perl script to gather bandwidth data from my Tor exit relay.
The script connects to the Tor control socket, fetches the running
config to extract the bandwidth limits and the reject rule count.
Afterwards the last 60 bw-cache entries are fetched and average values
are built for bandwidth in and out.
All this performance data is then forwarded to Nagios/Icinga where you
can do anything with that values.

Every 30 minutes a cronjob renders the graph showing the datapoints of
the last 6 houres and uploads the resulting image to my website. You can
find the image here (Hint: The values for in and out are stacked):

The source of the script can be found here on GitHub:
It's released under the GPLv3

Maybe somebody will find it usefull :-)


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