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Re: [tor-relays] Explaining Tor to worried parent

Thanks for all the responses.

If the issue ever comes up in the near future I'm defiantly gonna bring
up some of the same points.
I'm learning a lot while running this thing, secondly thanks for
pointing out that the Legal stuff isn't a scary
thing but a valuable thing to learn as well. I have never dealt with the
legal aspect so it's even more important
to get my feet wet and get experience I just never looked at it from
that aspect.

Secondly the negative view about "future opportunities" is something one
of my parents brought up, It's defiantly
not a view that I share. I view that expanding my experience in running
servers makes me write better
software (since you know what it's like) and I'm sure that a employer
might share that view.

- Willmar

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