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Re: [tor-relays] Thailand block

Not really helpful with traffic, but: https://metrics.torproject.org/exonerator.html


On 23. Nov 2020, at 09:55, Dr Gerard Bulger <gerard@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I have been running an exit (mythaicontribution) in Thailand for 3 Years (the exit has narrow port 80 range but full 443 and all other less risky ports open.  It has never been that busy as an exit, unlike my other UK and USA exits of similar profile.   I noticed it was off line last week.   The ISP was slow to work out what was going on, to discover that the upstream ISP has blocked the IP “due to DOS attack”    I think that is unlikely for such a long block, and assume the hand of MICT.  I gather the do not give reasons.   (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_censorship_in_Thailand)
In some ways surprising it took them so long.
Is there a way on Tor’s web pages and data base to look at historical data.   I am curious to know when it off line and removed from Tor metrics.  
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