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[tor-relays] Warnings in log

Hi all,

I am running a tor node (idkneitzel) on a linux server (using opensuse

Today I saw:
Oct 01 14:20:34.000 [warn] Failing because we have 8163 connections
already. Please raise your ulimit -n.

So I modified the /etc/security/limits.conf and added:
*               soft    nofile          65000
*               soft    nofile          65535
and rebooted the system but now I got that warning again. Did I
missunderstood the warning and should I add other entries, too?

And now I also got the following warning:
Oct 01 18:25:19.000 [warn] Cannot get strong entropy: no entropy source

Now I am unsure, what I should do regarding this point. (After a
restart, this message seems to no longer occur but I am still curious
what is going on here).

Thank you in advance for your help.

With kind regards,


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