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Re: [tor-relays] Relay security, re: local network

On 01/10/2013 03:34, The Doctor wrote:
> That reminds me of a question I've been meaning to ask lately...
> Has anyone tried running Tor on top of OSv (http://osv.io/)?
> As I understand it, OSv is an ultra-small OS which is Linux
> API-compatible and designed for running a single app only atop a
> virtualization stack.  For example, it should, in theory, be possible
> to run the Tor daemon within a copy of OSv, that would be the only
> application running inside of that VM, and it should be running like
> greased lightning because it would be the only process running in that VM.
First, I see no figures about the alleged performance of OSv.
Secondly, I suspect that the kernel overhead, on a reasonable Tor node,
is negligible when compared to book-keeping, crypto operations and so on.
However, I'm also curious, so tell us if you try it :-)

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