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Re: [tor-relays] "Bug: Duplicate call to circuit_mark_for_close"

On 17 Oct 2017, at 21:43, tor <tor@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> There's a bug in 0.3.0 and later that causes clients to fetch
> microdescriptors from fallbacks. So fallbacks (and authorities)
> will have extra load until that's fixed.

Makes sense. The relay can't keep up with the extra load. It's basically a DDoS. It's gone into this state 4 times over the past ~ 48 hours.

I doubt this bug is the cause if it's just happened recently.
It's more likely that your relay is the HSDir for some popular
onion service. Or a genuine DDoS.

Can't your provider support that many connections?

> I think Tor LTS / 0.2.9 is in Debian stable:
> I've opened a ticket to add LTS to the Debian repository instructions:
> I wouldn't recommend upgrading to 0.3.0 or later, there are stability issues
> on some clients, and maybe relays.

Thanks the info. Unfortunately I upgraded to before reading this (it didn't help), and can't figure out how to obtain from the repos. I've tried these repos:

All of them seem to only offer, but I'm not sure I'm looking in the right places or querying apt in the right way.

A static link to a signed dpkg (for would be fine for the moment, if anyone knows of one.

There's 0.2.9 nightly, but I don't know if we have an 0.2.9-release build.

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