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Re: [tor-relays] Short Research Survey

Most online surveys ask the participants to confirm that their replies can be used after the last question of the survey. I would recommend you to do that, too.
Sometimes people give random answers because they are curious about the survey's questions. ;-)
Dear Tor relay operators,
We are a team of researchers at MIT, and we would like to ask Tor relay operators to participate in a short and anonymous survey (no personal information or IP address collected). This study is focused on the importance of providing anonymity by volunteers in various contexts, and will take no more than 5-10 minutes to finish. 
You can learn more and take the survey at this link: https://mit.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6W3YXSCnqMVGPs1
Your input is very valuable to our study, and we look forward to your feedback.
Please feel free to email us at anon-research@xxxxxxx if you have any questions.
(Our survey platform unfortunately uses _javascript_. We apologize for being unable to switch it off. We would be grateful for your participation if you are comfortable taking the survey.) 
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