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[bos-dev] [patch #7886] Sounds contribution for Aircraftfactory, Artil, Destroyer and Shipyard

Follow-up Comment #5, patch #7886 (project stratagus-bos):

I found instructions for in the documentation (doc/media.html) that 22050 Hz
should be used. Is this still up to date?

I made a tar.gz with 22050 Hz versions of these files. Perhaps it will be
possible to attach it. If not:

Part-related: I am now not sure what "source" means to you in the case of art
(you have a list of source-less art "As a special exception the sources are
not required for the following files:" which is a confusing phrase too. Is it
explained anywhere why such an exception for these files exists?)

(file #27032)

Additional Item Attachment:

File name: qubodup-bosfx-22050-20121204.tar.gz Size:1257 KB


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