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Re: [bos-dev] Plants & stuff

Francois Beerten wrote:
Ron Gow wrote:
Thanks for the comments.

Yes, I've made a patch set of that terrain, and I'm making units of the plants now. Can I put attachments to this list to post the lua scripts for maps and units?

Sending attachments on the mailing list may be a bad idea, especially for graphics which are often quite big.

If you have something complete, you can upload it on the patch tracker:

Of course, different unrelated items like terrain and new units need each their own entry in the map tracker.

If you it's not complete yet, you can send it to me by email. I'll upload it in boswars.org and post the URL here.


Ok, I wasn't thinking of attaching graphics, just the scripts, but I'll check out the patch tracker. Easier to just keep everything together.

I have one map done, with a patch set like the sample I posted. I hadn't figured out the units yet, so the plants are built into the patches :) Now I've looked at the units, not too hard, so I'm making unit files for the plants and rocks.