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Re: Some quick questions

Helloooooooo! Queensland!!!

VERY impressive beginning...

Can I try to unthread this the Bruce way? Tony, Kerry, et al ... do
whatever you want to as quickly as you can. That said, Computerbank (Vic)
is the major source of your knowledge and it would be best for Computerbank
(Qld) to shape itself similarly.

* I'm looking forward to the first national AGM.  :)

The Q. (Tony) & A. (Trish) that we had on here is only an indicator of
sorts. The wash up will be something like, "Do whatever you want to as soon
as you like, but we have a few wishes. That is, get on with getting the
computers, refurbishing them and distributing them in whatever ways you can." 

The process evolves itself, worrying about where to store undonated
computers is putting the horse well before the cart. When the problem
arises, go to the media (if necessary) and say, "Shit! Look what's happened!" 

Do you think you might get your storage then? Darn tootin'!

With reference to the following, you might show the rest of us a thing or
two. Nothing like new minds looking at a problem.

If you can do any of them, please do >>>>>>>>

At 22:43 4/08/00 +1000, Trish Fraser answered Tony's questions:

Q. What is the status of your organisation as a
>> charity/non-profit ?
A. Okay, the application is in - we have just received a letter back asking
>for more info. So, I guess it's pending...
Q. What are the perks here for a company which wants to
>> donate stuff to a computer bank - do they get tax
>> deductions etc, can you ellaborate on this ? 
A. Once that status is confirmed, we expect them to get deductions - that's
>one of the main reasons we're doing it. We have found that it's not
>entirely necessary, but we hope that it will encourage corporate donors
>to give us some of the newer stuff that currently they're hanging onto
>until the book value is zero...
Q. Do you bundle internet access in with the computers
>> that you donate, what are the arrangements for this?
A. Not at this stage. We've had some modem donations, and we do give those
>out, but we haven't been able to arrange a freebie with an ISP yet. Good
>luck with the Qld ISPs; you may have better luck.
>Down here we have several flat-fee ISPs who are quite cheap; Bill has
>also been researching the free services like goconnect and freeonline,
>and can fill you in on those.

Q. Have you been able to get ISPs to donate dial up
>> accounts to go with the computers?
A. See above...
Q. Do you see a need for an "ISP Bank" project ?
A. Could be useful; how would you work it, do you think?
Q. What ratio of technical/non-technical people does your
>> organisation need to run smoothly ?
A. 80% techie, 20% admin seems to work pretty well.
Q. What types of companies/organisations have you found
>> to be the best sources of donations?
A. All sorts - get yourselves publicised (newspapers, radio) and you'll
>find it just starts rolling in. Get your government and tertiary
>education networks going; those guys have a *lot* of computers.

Q. What does your organisation do for space in terms of
>> both storage and places to assemble systems and train
>> the end users ?
A. This was a major hassle until Bruce, the CBV Hero, found Horticultural
>Hall for us. This is a Heritage building, managed by Parks Victoria,
>which is used by all sorts of community groups - we have a lockable room
>and storage there, and use the hall for workshops &c. Do you have a
>Heritage Queensland, as in a Government Body? otherwise, try church
>halls, that sort of thing, and see what you can do there.

Q. Have you been able to get donations of space ? 
A. See above! It took us about 14 months to find this, and until then we
>had computers all over Melbourne...!
>Keep it up!

ComputerBank Australia -- http://www.computerbank.org.au/