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RE: [Computerbank] Linux distribution standardisation

> On Mon, 10 Dec 2001, Raul wrote:
> > I definitely vote for one / partition + swap on the first
> drive. If there is
> > two HD's in a machine, take the second one out for parts!
> >
> > In rare cases we probably could break off /home, though the
> extra protection
> > it gives us is small in comparison to automatic backups, second drives,
> > server storage etc.
> >
> > Raul <- Another KISS supporter! :)
> If a recipient's system has to be rebuilt, or the main / partition needs
> to be reformated, having /home on / is not so KISS.

It may seem like it on the surface, though looking into it I think it is a
moot point (especially in light of the lack of backup strategy).

Firstly, I thought you can do a rebuild and simply not reformat the target
partition, then again, I could be wrong there. If it nukes directories in
this process, it will only take out the root user, ftp, and web. Not

Most importantly, the space issue. How big do you make /home? How much free
do you leave for system and /tmp? Not all drives are big 6+Gig jobs to start
with, so what is reasonable. I know from dealing with my systems, the most
efficient use of space is to make one partition as compared to estimating
growth of all your directories.

Other issues:
* Hard disk dies = they are screwed no matter how it's partitioned
* User error / exploit = no safer than 1 partition

Minor/easy fixed issues:
* Have you enabled autofsck in fstab? Better do so as most installations I
thought defaulted to just fsck'ing the root partition on boot.
* Which partition number is you root partition on? It's a small issue, but
depending on order you create increases the number of possible boot
locations. Important if people start nuking boot sectors or screwing up

The best pro's for /home is single-system systems that require a rebuild.
Why would they require a rebuild unless they have done something as root
elsewhere to screw things up? Most other disk/partition table errors that
would require a rebuild would also lose /home as well.

Plus most systems that I have seen lose data do so because the person who
did it didn't know there was data to save. If they format the main
partition, they will probably delete /home or format it too. :(

The most sucessful case for /home is when you have servers that will be
upgraded. I don't think we will be upgrading countless systems from Redhat
7.1 to 7.2, FreeBSD 3 to 4 etc. If we did then a separate /home is

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