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[Computerbank] tasmanian request

Michael, et al

Here is a request from The Smith Family for a system in Tasmania.

Can anything be done ?

Shaun Branden; email: shaun@pcuse.com; icq: 10469563
Computerbank South Australia: sa.computerbank.org.au
Computerbank gives away computer systems created from
donated hardware and opensource software.
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Hi Shaun,

I have another enquiry for you from a family on our program...

Just wondering if you know of any organisations down in Tasmania for low
income families and also if they have any laptops available?  I understand
this is most likely going to be a long-shot but thought I would ask anyway!

Many thanks, Shaun.

Vanessa Luke
Education Support Worker
The Smith Family
230 Franklin Street
PO Box 10500
ADELAIDE    SA     5000
Tel - (08) 8416 0438
Fax - (08) 8231 3932
Email - vanessa.luke@smithfamily.com.au

You can help a disadvantaged Australian student go back to school by
supporting The Smith Family's Learning for Life program.  Call 1800 633 622
to donate today!

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