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Re: 2 Player mode

On 04.10.2006 00:53, Henk Jonas wrote:
> The week before I've promised to look into 
> the 2 Player mode and actually I did. I have something which works one, 
> two rounds between 2 Palm devices over Bluetooth, then it crashes.
> I've made a diff to the 0.4.9:
> what I did:
> added a new game flag: GI_2PLAY
> added a flag to the player: local or not
> added functions to send and receive data over a given transport
> Please check the diff and ask me in the list. Sending the history was a 
> better thing as the player can see what the other site did, if he like.
> I would like to know what happens when you implement it for 2 desktop 
> players over TCP/IP.

Great (except I no longer have any good excuses for not taking a closer
look at SDL_net...) ;-)

I'll try to get my head around the networking stuff and see whether I can
provide a TCP/IP implementation. Any helping hands welcome, of course.
(And just in case anybody else wants to look at Henk's patch, note that
it's in reverse, so apply with -r. Of course, there's also lots of
Palm-specific stuff in there which makes it a bit messy, plus it
doesn't apply cleanly against current CVS...)

