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Re: [f-cpu] RC5, last test
Michael Riepe wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 15, 2002 at 05:46:09AM +0200, cedric wrote:
> > Hi every body,
> >
> > I am currently finalising my code for the RC5 DNETC core, but I have a
> > problem. At the end of the process I must test every chunck of two register
> > to know if I have found the solution.
> >
> > The solution is easy if I know the number of the chunk, and not their size.
> > Because during all the process I only use 32 bits chunks. So I know that
> > every chunk has been computed well, but I don't know how to test each chunck
> > and return the number of the chunck (to determine the key that decrypt the
> > message).
> >
> > So my question is easy ;-) How can I do a test on each chunk to find the
> > one that is null ?
> For a quick test whether *any* of the chunks of <register> is zero, use
> one of these:
> scmple.32 r0, <register>, r1
> scmpli.32 $1, <register>, r1
> After that, you can use lsb1/msb1 to find the first/last chunk.
> Another option is to tear the chunks apart and test them separately,
> e.g. via and, mix/expand or shift instructions, whatever fits your needs.
with 8-bit chunks, there is also a way to do this, using the "combine"
option of the ROP2 unit. but the critical datapath of ROP2 is too tight to
allow 32-bit version of this.
However the idea is simple : for each chunk, mask out the corresponding
field and do a conditional jump. in the current case, the masks are less
straight-forward so i'll simply shift ...
r1 = SIMD input (2*32)
move r1, r2;
shli 32, r1, r3;
shri 32, r2, r4;
if r3==0 jmp [rX]; (cjump)
if r4==0 jmp [rX];
yes, it's far easier with the combine instructions but it's just a matter of time
and efforts before it is implemented. It would simply look like
and.or.32 r0,r1,r2; // i'm not sure about the syntax
// 1 or 2 cycle stall (depends on the operand size)
if r2==0 jmp [rX];
but the target of the jump would have to test each chunk individually.
> Michael "Tired" Riepe <Michael.Riepe@stud.uni-hannover.de>
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