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Re: Rep:Re: [f-cpu] The last killing argument FOR the GPL licence
Juergen Goeritz wrote:
> On Wed, 24 Apr 2002, Ben Franchuk wrote:
> >how about:
> >"This software attempts to do bla-bla-bla.
> >It is known to run on ya-ya-ya typically compiled with yap-yap-yap.
> >You are free to use this software except where you make large sums
> >of money and then the author wants his cut! We are not responsible
> >for the users stupidity and expect this product to used with common
> >sense and respected. Any copywrites are good until 5 years after
> >the computer hardware (ya-ya-ya) has stopped being manufactured or the
> >OS or hardware has been revised 3 times.Any damage done buy the product
> >is limited to 1 band-ade."
> Why don't you just write how much you want and also provide
> your bank account number for the transfers as well in it? ;)
Just send Cash! 1 wooden nickel for every $1.00 profit.
I take a queen size mattress for all your large donations.
Ben Franchuk - Dawn * 12/24 bit cpu *
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