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Re: Rep:Re: [f-cpu] The last killing argument FOR the GPL licence
On Sat, 27 Apr 2002, nico wrote:
> Graham Seaman a écrit :
> > Since the open cores group are currently discussing the same issue, having
> > run into practical problems with the gpl, would it be a good idea to wait
> > till they come to a decision then use the SAME license (assuming it is
> > a reasonable, if not perfect fit to what f-cpu people want), to avoid
> > getting the same silly proliferation of semi-compatible licenses there is
> > with software?
> >
> Have you the name of the mailling-list ?
To subscribe:
cores-request@opencores.org , with word 'subscribe' in body
Since the discussion has been going on for a few days, you might want to
see the archives:
> nicO
> > Graham
> >
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