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[f-cpu] Libre Software Meeting
- To: fm <f-cpu@seul.org>
- Subject: [f-cpu] Libre Software Meeting
- From: Yann Guidon <whygee@f-cpu.org>
- Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2002 21:11:01 +0200
- Delivered-To: archiver@seul.org
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- Delivery-Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2002 15:05:03 -0400
- Organization: http://www.f-cpu.org
- Reply-To: f-cpu@seul.org
- Sender: owner-f-cpu@seul.org
the Libre Software Metting is almost 2 months away
and the organisation team presses us for more details
and planning.
How many people will come ? How many beds to prepare ?
What presentations will be made ? Do we need special
ressources ?
I especially hope that this will be the largest ever
F-CPU meeting ever. The last record was 6 people,
i wish we can double that.
From Paris/suburbs : Nicole, nicO, Cedric, Paul and myself,
potentially one or two more.
From Toulouse : maybe 2 persons.
Jürgen Göritz told me he'll try to come, Michael and Graham
are not sure.
Please prepare your planning, reserve a seat to Bordeaux,
the Paris team will probably make a pre-meeting in Paris
(prepare the speeches and the rest during a day or two).
We hope to make the largest "family picture" ever !
The LSM organisation team needs a figure ASAP : they have
to prepare the budget and estimate who and what to reimburse.
I will ask for a rebate on the sleeping expense, too
(from 10 to 5 Euros per night).
Please answer (on this list) as soon as possible !
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