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Re: [f-cpu] Status quo

Hi Yann, Cedric,

On 04/01/2015 12:25 PM, whygee@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
Le 2015-04-01 11:17, Nicolas Boulay a Ãcrit :
what is this conversion function ?

if you have img[x][y], you want something like
img[x/64][y/64][x%64][y%64] it's not the good example because you
need the size, but that's the idea.

Here, you're just mixing address lines. Nothing crazy. CÃdric's
example seems to work at the byte level with a more complicated
pattern, that's where SIMD is helpful to shuffle the bytes.

If we put a big LUT (4K entries) on the address lines, we can have
arbitrary conversion of any tile addressing scheme, that should answer
the needs which Cedric explained. The price to pay for this "tiling
linearisation" is the LUT propagation time (not sure how big it's for
Actel BRAMs, but a wild guess is that it's around 2-4ns).

Of course, this LUT shouldn't be used while accessing non-tiled memory :D.

Kind regards,
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