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Re: [f-cpu] F-CPU SoC

Le 2015-04-01 12:48, Nikolay Dimitrov a ÃcritÂ:
yo ! :-D

It quite possible that we'll have all kinds of technical discussions
about different approaches towards the F-CPU design and implementation.
well, no surprise here, it's this way since 1998 :-D

I think it would definitely help if we put some more context into these
discussions, as a single aspect of the CPU ISA can both be advantage and
disadvantage in different contexts.
That's why I start F-GPU :-)
I should write a draft...

So I'm proposing for the following - let's think about how a F-CPU-based
SoC should look like.
The trick is : it will look like what is needed in each specific case.
There will be no "one true" F-CPU SoC, but adaptations of a generic model...

I'm totally convinced that a single design won't
be able to answer all needs, so probably the most logical approach is to
define several different SoC types and then discuss each F-CPU feature
and how it can fits into each specific context.
So more or less it's about creating a catalogue of blocks and units
that work along/with the CPU. Users will pick the ones they need...
Users would even want to chose the units and configure them
with an interactive graphic tool, no ? :-)

In addition to the SoC topic - I personally think that a CPU design is
less and less important only by itself,
I agree. The tools are critical.
in F-CPU, the tools are not just critical, but they must also be free.

and there are tons of other
blocks that need to orchestrate perfectly with the CPU in order to
achieve a usable performance out of the system. So would be great if we
consider touching the SoC topic sooner than later.
I agree, so let's move on to the F-GPU implementation.


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