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Re: [f-cpu] Re:

On Sat, Aug 18, 2001 at 12:46:34PM -0400, nicO wrote:
> > > So you add another chip it cost a lot. Why using a new port ? What does
> > > it add ? Nothing ! Just few more problem ! Canonical CPU are always put
> > > on one bus (or switch, it's the same).
> > and that's their problem.
> > note that your "always" shows that you don't know alternatives,
> > there are other computers that have different architectures than
> > the SMP/MPP you learn at school.
> > 
> When you don't criticize my school, it's my books ! You're funny (jalous
> ?) ! As you, i read a lot on the net about a lot of architecture, and i
> please you to stop this kind of personal attack. I'm really feed up with
> it ! Don't you remember when i try to explain how COMA from sun work,
> and you don't understand a word ? It's just to refresh your mind a
> little.

May I interrupt your personal "conversation", please?

Nicolas, I'm pretty sure that Yann didn't mean *your* school in
particular, but school(s) in general.  And I agree with him -- there *are*
things one doesn't learn at school (or at most schools).

Another thing one usually doesn't learn at school is to respect people
as they are, let them have different opinions and accept their decisions.
Maybe it's time to learn that now, for some of us (perhaps most of us).

The F-CPU Project is not a contest.  It's not work (or business in
general) either.  It's supposed to be fun, not competition.  And it's
a kind of experiment, both technically and socially.  We will probably
never know whether Free Hardware (in the GPL sense) really `works' if we
switch licenses before the experiment is finished (or obviously fails,
in case we find out that it *doesn't* work that way).  I'm absolutely
not willing to declare failure of the `social aspect' by switching to
another license before we have reached the critical (implementation)
phase; I want to see how far we can go.  The farther, the better.

> > i do not "fight against", i "fight for" a free, ununcumbered platform.
> > i do not work as SoC expert. i'm just a wannabe-computer-architect.

And I don't want to fight at all.

'nuff said,
 Michael "Tired" Riepe <Michael.Riepe@stud.uni-hannover.de>
 "All I wanna do is have a little fun before I die"
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