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[f-cpu] m4 won.
m4 is finally the best choice,
i am currently updating my files locally.
i will then have to integrate Michael's
data and i will post a "release candidate"
that will be suitable for the CVS.
It is going to take some time before i am
ready so i am waiting for an update from Michael.
The good news is that it is not limited to C
and VHDL, anybody can adapt a few line is a
langage-specific file and make a verilog port,
for example, without rewriting all the
definition files. The existing files did
not require big changes but there are tens
of different stufss in several directories,
it takes a while to check everything. Before
putting the files on CVS, i have to check that all
the released files are correctly under GPL (not mixing
my own copyright on QDCPOC with the team's work),
and i'll ask Michael to craft a nice Makefile.
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